Alexis Sklarevski The Slap Bass Program Full

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Over the past several years The Slap Bass Program has become the undisputed bible of Bass Institute of Technology (BIT) instructor Alexis Sklarevski is a. Alexis is the author of the critically acclaimed instructional DVD, The Slap Bass Program, and also co-produced Fingerstyle Funk, the instructional DVD. Over the past several years The Slap Bass Program has become the undisputed bible of slap technique. The video has garnered more.Author:Kecage DajinCountry:Puerto RicoLanguage:English (Spanish)Genre:LovePublished (Last):18 December 2015Pages:245PDF File Size:1.41 MbePub File Size:3.91 MbISBN:177-2-98067-821-3Downloads:15295Price:Free.Free Regsitration RequiredUploader:At the same time, I was in school and all my friends were getting into rock and jazz by playing guitar and drums.

  1. The Slap Bass Program

Interview – Alexis SklarevskiThw was really me creating a project where I would get to work with a long-time hero of mine. How do you help your students find that balance between cultivating their musical artistry on the one hand, while preparing them to make an actual living in the music industry on the other?New Interview Dec 25 Geddy Lee.

I would love to go out on tour again, preferably with someone I really like. Actually, it was a mega-popular videotape even before the prevalence of DVDs! What kind of aspirations do most of your incoming bass students have?The Beatles and James Taylorthat was it for me. At that time there were a few books and videos out that covered slap technique but none that sort of broke everything down into manageable pieces and explained it. How could I say no to that?!

The Complete Guide and has done bass clinics throughout Japan and Europe. For me it was all about seriously studying music and trying to play all the time. From there we started playing real gigs and that finally led to me moving to Los Angeles, going to BIT and getting more and more serious about becoming a musician and trying to do it for a living.Of course the bass program covers all the fundamental music subjects like technique, harmony, theory, reading etc. Your email address will not be published. The wardrobe lady brought out this long purple beard and gave it to me to wear, which everyone in the band thought was very funny.You must have an good story or two you can share. I would do these piano festivals and recitals and I just remember being so nervous. Working at MI is only part of my musical life, as it should be.

By playing and working as a musician you bring a much more realistic and believable perspective to teaching.They do sessions, gigs, tourswhatever. Interview — Alexis Sklarevski. I also think it validates you as an educator since students will listen when they know you have professional experience.At one point I stood right beside him and duck-walked for about three stepsI made him laugh. At least not when it comes to music.

A year or two later I met a couple of guitar players and we started jamming together and trying to learn tunes. The Slap Bass Program, Instructional/Bass/DVD – Hal Leonard OnlineWhat kinds of things do you like to do that are not necessarily musically oriented? All the bass instructors at MI are working, professional musicians who do a lot of very cool stuff with a great range of artists.

The great thing about modern technology is that now anyone can make an album in their bedroom. Other than music, I like to spend time riding my mountain bike and hiking. Learn more of the software I have on my computer. Hudson Music UK – Alexis Sklarevski: The Slap Bass ProgramCurrently, he proggam recording and performing with many artists in the U. I got David involved in that because I knew he would do a great job.

The best thing was that I learned how to read music at the same time I learned to read words. I could have never done it on my own.

I play heavy metal bass fingerstylee. And the other day I was thinking 'Hell, it'd be great to be able to slap.' So I mosey on down to talkbass and look at a few reviews of instructional slap DVDs. 'That looks good' I thought to myself - The Slap Bass Program by Alexis. So off I go to the guitar shop and get me one of those.2 hours later and I am HOOKED.

I can't stop slapping. I slap all day, on my leg as I walk to work, on the desk in meetings, and when I get home. Well my bass really gets it then!!Then a couple days later I go down the guitar shop to see my buddy who works there, and I tell him all about my new addiction. 'You like slapping now?'

'Then you have GOT to try this Warwick $$ Corvette!' So he gets it down, and the moment it sits in my hands I KNOW I have to have it.The slap sound is something else, and I took it down to rehearsals with my heavy metal band today and what d'ya know, it fits in great there as well!So thanks, Alexis, for making me fall in love with playing bass all over again.

And maxing out my credit card!!Sarah x. I play heavy metal bass fingerstylee.

And the other day I was thinking 'Hell, it'd be great to be able to slap.' So I mosey on down to talkbass and look at a few reviews of instructional slap DVDs. 'That looks good' I thought to myself - The Slap Bass Program by Alexis.

So off I go to the guitar shop and get me one of those.2 hours later and I am HOOKED. I can't stop slapping. I slap all day, on my leg as I walk to work, on the desk in meetings, and when I get home. Well my bass really gets it then!!Then a couple days later I go down the guitar shop to see my buddy who works there, and I tell him all about my new addiction. 'You like slapping now?' 'Then you have GOT to try this Warwick $$ Corvette!'

The Slap Bass Program

Alexis Sklarevski The Slap Bass Program Full

So he gets it down, and the moment it sits in my hands I KNOW I have to have it.The slap sound is something else, and I took it down to rehearsals with my heavy metal band today and what d'ya know, it fits in great there as well!So thanks, Alexis, for making me fall in love with playing bass all over again. And maxing out my credit card!!Sarah x. I play heavy metal bass fingerstylee.

And the other day I was thinking 'Hell, it'd be great to be able to slap.' So I mosey on down to talkbass and look at a few reviews of instructional slap DVDs. 'That looks good' I thought to myself - The Slap Bass Program by Alexis.

Alexis Sklarevski The Slap Bass Program Full

So off I go to the guitar shop and get me one of those.2 hours later and I am HOOKED. I can't stop slapping.

I slap all day, on my leg as I walk to work, on the desk in meetings, and when I get home. Well my bass really gets it then!!Then a couple days later I go down the guitar shop to see my buddy who works there, and I tell him all about my new addiction. 'You like slapping now?' 'Then you have GOT to try this Warwick $$ Corvette!'

So he gets it down, and the moment it sits in my hands I KNOW I have to have it.The slap sound is something else, and I took it down to rehearsals with my heavy metal band today and what d'ya know, it fits in great there as well!So thanks, Alexis, for making me fall in love with playing bass all over again. And maxing out my credit card!!Sarah x.