Build Recording Studio Room Sims 2

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Thanks to constant advancements in digital technology, everyone can record at home, and everyone can own a studio. But while many settle for an eggbox-clad bedroom setup (a myth we'll debunk later), there is another wayBuild your own professional-quality recording studio. Yes, it's a Mohammed-style mountain to move and will require a sizeable investment of both time and money (and plasterboard) but the results could be priceless.So, courtesy of here are the 11 most-important factors to consider when building your own studio. From soundproofing to floating floors to, er. The first consideration when contemplating building a studio is where to build it.

At this stage it's important to consider just how loud you're going to be (especially your drum kit) and how viable soundproofing is for your situation.For example, converting a garage in your garden will probably leave a decent amount of space inside after soundproofing, with minimal noise escaping. However, a room in a house or flat may be impossible to soundproof completely and leave you unreasonably cramped after doing so. Your studio will have at least one doorway to contend with and, like the window, this is another potential area for sound leakage.


Simply using a heavy door can help, though adding weight by building a regular door up or applying a layer of Sheetblok (a special vinyl material designed to act as an effective sound isolation barrier) can have the same effect.Make sure each door seals completely when shut – regular sealing strips are available from DIY stores, but there are sets commercially available specifically for this purpose. Most soundproofing is done with the 'room within a room' principle in mind: construct a separate room within the original building with minimal contact. In essence, this is the same as we've done to the walls: decoupling two surfaces to prevent vibration being carried across. To float a floor, wooden beams can be placed on rubber U-Boat supports at regular intervals and, with neoprene strips inbetween, a chipboard floor can be screwed on top.A much simpler and cheaper solution is to use PlatFoam to raise separate pieces of kit off the ground. PlatFoam comes in the form of long 3'x2' strips of high density foam which can be laid a few inches apart with a sheet of plywood placed on top to create a floating riser.

Build A Recording Studio Room Sims 2

If this soundproof space is to be used as a recording studio as well as a practice room, your next consideration is whether to go for a one-room studio or to have a separate control room. It may seem obvious that a recording studio needs two rooms, one to record in and one to listen back in, but for some musicians it can sometimes be easier to work in the same room as the equipment.One compromise in this situation is running a second computer monitor into the live room and using a wireless keyboard and mouse to control things. This way each room can be tuned to it's optimum potential. Building a studio can be a time-consuming process and you'll no doubt encounter setbacks along the way. As a result it can be frustrating as the time ticks by and costs add up, but try not to lose sight of the fact that once it's complete, the space is yours to create your own studio environment in.You'll be free to play when you want without disturbing anyone and you can be as creative as you like. That's got be worth the effort hasn't it?Thanks for reading, we'll be uploading more step-by-step tutorials to Instructables, but for all your other music-making needs, check out. Cry out because you do not need much to make a recording studio All you need is 1.A computer 2.


Music software (Reason 5 is perfect) 3.Midi keyboard (m audio air 32 is great) 4.Audio interface (maudio is voila in this case). 5.Microphones (condenser is great but dynamic is gonna work cool) 6.Pop Filter (obviously needed to replace soundproofing of walls). 7.Some great speakers. 8.many sets of wires to connect To avoid soundproof you need good pop filter of $6 but you can even make it in home by watching some youtube videos and thats gonna work cool. The most expensive interface 2.Condenser microphones(optional) THANK YOU. Reading many Instructables, perhaps the majority show an appalling lack of grammar and the inability to effectively communicate a linear process in a clear manner.

If one wishes to write up their project, it is essential to assume the reader has no understanding of the process and include each step, materials, sources, etc. So they can successfully complete the project. An Instructables author must proofread their work, by assuming the reader knows nothing. They must also carefully check their writing for mistakes in grammar, usage and spelling.This Instructable was very good in the information presented, but could use some grammar checking and the author could have avoided some confusing instructions and lack of sources had he asked several friends to read it over. One thing he did not mention is to make the walls of the inner room asymmetrical in order to avoid a standing wave. Apart from this, I think he covered the major and minor points of soundproofing quite well. One suggestion is to use Green Glue to seal the drywall.

Iso 9001 sample forms. MartindeMadridI think your comment about standing waves is OK but with suitable sound absorption on the walls any reflections will be dampened enough not to have to worry about asymmetrical walls. If there isn't any sound absorption then asymmetry will just produce longer paths and even ignoring those it will not sound good anyway.

We are talking about waves from around 17mm at high frequencies out to 17 meters at low frequencies. I know after years of playing the high frequencies just go in one ear and out the other (a bit of silly humour there) anyway, standing or sitting (the waves that is). I'd go with decent sound absorption on the walls to stop reflections rather than the extra work of out of square walls which loose precious space.