How To Make A Calculator Program In Visual Basic 2008

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Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer. Because it teaches you how to think.' -Steve JobsI wish to extend the wise words of Steve Jobs and say everyone in the world should learn how to program a computer. You may not necessary end up working as a programmer or writing programs at all but it will teach you how to think.In this tutorial, we are going to cover the following topics.What is VBA?VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications.

  1. Visual Basic Code For Calculator Download
  2. How To Make A Calculator Program In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition
  3. Visual Basic 6.0 Source Code For Simple Calculator

Before we go into further details, let's look at what computer programming is in a layman's language. Assume you have a maid. If you want the maid to clean the house and do the laundry. You tell her what to do using let's say English and she does the work for you. As you work with a computer, you will want to perform certain tasks. Just like you told the maid to do the house chores, you can also tell the computer to do the tasks for you.The process of telling the computer what you want it to do for you is what is known as computer programming. Just as you used English to tell the maid what to do, you can also use English like statements to tell the computer what to do.

The English like statements fall in the category of high level languages. VBA is a high level language that you can use to bend excel to your all powerful will.VBA is actually a sub set of Visual Basic 6.0 BASIC stands for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Why VBA?. It uses English like statements to write instructions. Creating the user interface is like using a paint program.

You just have to drag, drop and align the graphical user interface controls. Short learning curve. From day one that you start learning, you can immediately start writing simple programs.


Enhances the functionality of excel by allowing you to make excel behave the way you want it toPersonal & business applications of VBA in excelFor personal use, you can use it for simple macros that will automate most of your routine tasks. Read the article on Macros for more information on how you can achieve this.For business use, you can create complete powerful programs powered by excel and VBA. The advantage of this approach is you can leverage the powerful features of excel in your own custom programs. Visual Basic for Applications VBA basicsBefore we can write any code, we need to know the basics first.

The following basics will help you get started. Variable – in high school we learnt about algebra.

Find (x + 2y) where x = 1 and y = 3. In this expression, x and y are variables. They can be assigned any numbers i.e. 1 and 3 respective as in this example.

Visual Basic Code For Calculator Download

How To Make A Calculator Program In Visual Basic 2008

They can also be changed to say 4 and 2 respectively. Variables in short are memory locations. As you work with VBA, you will be required to declare variables too just like in algebra classes. Rules for creating variables. Don't use reserved words – if you work as a student, you cannot use the title lecturer or principal.

These titles are reserved for the lecturers and the school authority. Reserved words are those words that have special meaning in Vba and as such, you cannot use them as variable names. Variable names cannot contain spaces – you cannot define a variable named first number.

You can use firstNumber or firstnumber. Use descriptive names – it's very tempting to name a variable after yourself but avoid this. Use descriptive names i.e. Quantity, price, subtotal etc. This will make your VBA code easy to read. Logical operators - The concept of logical operators covered in the earlier tutorials also apply when working with VBA. These include.

If statements. OR. NOT. AND. TRUE.

FALSEEnable Developer Option. Create a new workbook. Click on the ribbon start button. Select options.

Click on customize ribbon. Select the developer checkbox as shown in the image below. Click OKYou will now be able to see the DEVELOPER tab in the ribbonVBA Hello worldNow we will demonstrate how to program in VBA.

All program in VBA has to start with 'Sub' and end with 'End sub'. Here the name is the name you want to assign to your program. While sub stands for a subroutine which we will learn in the later part of the tutorial.

Kamu bisa make over wajahnya dengan memberi mascara, eye brow colour, shadow, dan masih banyak lagi. 10.Untuk yang sangat menyukai film India atau Bollywood, game kecantikan ini sangat cocok untukmu. Games barbie salon kecantikan. Kamu akan mendandani boneka India yang cantik. Jadikan dia sebagai boneka tercantik yang pernah ada.Baca Juga:.Demikian ulasan tentang deretan game kecantikan paling keren yang bisa kamu mainkan di ponselmu dalam kondisi online atau offline (tanpa koneksi internet).

Close the code window. Right click on button 1 and select edit text.

Enter Say hello. Click on Say Hello.

You will get the following input box. Enter your name i.e. Jordan. You will get the following message boxCongratulations, you just created your first VBA program in excel Step by step example of creating a simple EMI calculator in ExcelIn this tutorial exercise, we are going to create a simple program that calculates the EMI.


EMI is the acronym for Equated Monthly Instalment. It's the monthly amount that you repay when you get a loan. The following image shows the formula for calculating EMI.The above formula is complex and can be written in excel. The good news is excel already took care of the above problem. You can use the PMT function to compute the above.The PMT function works as follows =PMT(rate,nper,pv)HERE,. 'rate' this is the monthly rate.

How To Make A Calculator Program In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

It's the interest rate divided by the number of payments per year. 'nper' it is the total number of payments. It's the loan term multiplied by number of payments per year. 'pv' present value.

Visual Basic 6.0 Source Code For Simple Calculator

Step 5) When you run the code, another window will pops out. Here you have to select the sheet where you want to display the program and click on 'Run' buttonStep 6) When you click on Run button, the program will get executed. It will display the msg in MsgBox.SummaryVBA stands for Visual Basic for Application. It's a sub component of visual basic programming language that you can use to create applications in excel.

With VBA, you can still take advantage of the powerful features of excel and use them in VBA.

Maybe you should start by designing the User interface - which I would think will consist of some buttons and a textbox.The start by looking at the specific button click events.When you click a button it will add the character to the textbox contents.Example in the button1 click event to add the number to the textbox contents.Textbox1.text = Textbox1.text & Button1.TextThen you will need to implement the functionality of some of the Function operator buttons - again in there click event. You will have to have a form level variable to hold the result.So in the + button click event you may have something like the following to convert the textbox to a double type and add it to the variable Result.Result = Result + CType(Textbox1.Text, double)Obviously other buttons such as clear to clear the textbox and result.Result = 0Textbox1.Text = 'These some pointers for you, you should be able to make some progress in implementing the functionality. Maybe you should start by designing the User interface - which I would think will consist of some buttons and a textbox.The start by looking at the specific button click events.When you click a button it will add the character to the textbox contents.Example in the button1 click event to add the number to the textbox contents.Textbox1.text = Textbox1.text & Button1.TextThen you will need to implement the functionality of some of the Function operator buttons - again in there click event. You will have to have a form level variable to hold the result.So in the + button click event you may have something like the following to convert the textbox to a double type and add it to the variable Result.Result = Result + CType(Textbox1.Text, double)Obviously other buttons such as clear to clear the textbox and result.Result = 0Textbox1.Text = 'These some pointers for you, you should be able to make some progress in implementing the functionality.