Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries S01e03

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Phryne, gorgeous in her sparkling evening gown, had thought she would dance the night away at the hottest dancehall in town, the Green Mill. That was before death spoiled the evening. In jazz-mad 1920s Melbourne, Phryne finds there are hidden perils lurking in the smoky shadows - like a mystery man from her past - and it takes all her ingenuity, and her rusty flying skills, to unravel the trail of blackmail and hug. Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Season 1 Episodes.Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is based on the novels of Australian author Kerry Greenwood.

Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries S01e03 Season

Our lady sleuth sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of late 1920's Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit. Leaving a trail of admirers in her wake, our thoroughly modern heroine makes sure she enjoys every moment of her lucky life.

Fancy a whirl tonight? You must be joking!



Oh, come on, Twinkle Toes.Come on! A Tiger Moth.A Tiger Moth? And it has a top flying speed of 130 miles per hour.De Havilland? The engine, Charlie.It does have one, I hope.Oh, yes.And wings? At least two.How much?

Five hundred pounds.They're over a thousand new.Mechanic says she's in mint condition.Only six hours flying time.Why so low? What's wrong with her? Nothing.Mother bought it for me.Vic promised to teach me to fly, but he never came back from the war.Anyway, I get giddy standing on a chair so it's been gathering dust in a hangar for years.So why sell it now? I need cash.Mother keeps the purse strings very tight.I just need to attend to something.You promised me a dance, Charlie.I hope you haven't lured me here under false pretences.I shouldn't worry about any shortage of potential dance partners.Back in a jiffy.Who are those charming gentlemen? Charles, what's wrong? What's going on?

I'm in a situation.It's a little sordid.I specialise in those.I wonder if I might have the pleasure of this dance? No, you run along.It can wait.Well, don't go too far.My compliments on the band, Mr Stone.The devil's music.Must compliment the devil on his taste.Somebody help!

Leonard, speak to me! - What's going on? Had he passed out? Somebody call the police.Oh, no, no.Excuse me.Excusez-moi.Thank you.Excuse me, sir.Well, well, Miss Fisher.Nice to see you too, Jack.Another murder, no less.Let's not make a habit of it.His name's Leonard Stevens and he appears to have been stabbed.Do we know by whom? We were all dancing and he just collapsed mid-song.That's his dance partner over there.Do we have a murder weapon? No, but rather a suspicious lot of cash to be carrying around, don't you think? You went through his pockets.I have a mind to charge you with interference.Come on, Jack.I secured the scene.Log it.Let's see if we can come up with a weapon.And I want everybody searched.The women too, sir?

There's no lady constable to call on, Collins.Do your best.He was going to marry me.Sure he was, sugar.And I'm the Queen of Sheba.Look, there ain't nothin' here and there ain't nothin' here that's good enough for you.Mm-hm.Can't you take pity on him? Make ME an honorary constable.Uh, no, thanks.Collins could do with the practice.Has he asked Miss Williams to the Fireman and Policeman's Ball yet? Not that I'm aware of.Dotty wouldn't keep that to herself.Hmm.He tells me he's working on it.So how well did you know Leonard Stevens? Who said I did? I thought from the comment you made to Pansy earlier He's been hangin' around this club since we started out a few weeks back and, uh, I've seen enough to know he's a creep.Ah, Miss Fisher.I see you've made Nerine's acquaintance.Allow me to introduce Ben Rogers, the best cornet player in the Southern Hemisphere.I know it's hardly the time or place, Mr Rogers, but I enjoyed your solo.Easy, sugar.He's a married man.Huh.What's the matter? Ain't you ever seen a black and white married couple before? As far as I'm concerned, everybody should be allowed to marry whomever they choose.Though, personally, I'm not the marrying kind.Make your way towards the exits, please.I understand you're the band leader.Did you see anything from the stage?

I was dancing with Miss Fisher.I thought Mr Freeman was your dance partner.In fact, where is Mr Freeman? He couldn't cope with the sight of blood and rushed to the gents to retch his heart out.Constable.So, good vantage point from up there.Do you recall seeing anything? I remember Nerine, all those glasses smashing When my baby's hopped up on jazz, he don't remember nothin'.No-one left in the gents, sir.Left the scene of the crime.Interesting.It's all over the newspaper, miss.Your friend, Mr Freeman, he's wanted for questioning.Did he do it? I wouldn't have thought Charles the type, but then I have no idea why he chose to escape out the bathroom window.Was Constable Collins there, miss? Yes, Dot.Dashing as ever.And I must tell you, Dot, Mr Collins wants to invite you to the Fireman and Policeman's Ball.Oh.Well, he's leaving his run a bit late.It's this Saturday.Yes, well, he might need some encouragement.Like what? You might need to invite him instead.Me ask him? It's just not how it's done.Poppycock.A Mrs Adele Freeman on the telephone.She's most insistent she speak with you about her son, Charles.Mrs Freeman won't be long.If only Vic was still with us.Thank you for coming so quickly.I've been worried sick about Charles.Still no word, I take it?

Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries Movie

No, nothing.Oh, Phryne, I can't believe it.They think my Charlie a murderer.They'll hang him.I know they will.I-I can't lose another son.I'll do whatever you want, pay any fee.Don't worry, Mrs Freeman.I'll do my best to protect Charles.Thank God.And no payment will be necessary.Vic and I were very close once.That's enough for me.Well, thank you, child.Thank you.Oh A-a-a sherry? Did you know a Leonard Stevens? The murdered man? No.Charles never mentioned him? Not that I recall.I saw them talking together at the club.The conversation got quite heated.I need you to prove my son's innocence, not guilt.Do you have any idea where he is? Charles has a set of friends frivolous, idle young men who have no thought to work.Life for them is one big celebration.Anyone he might have confided in? You could try speaking with Bobby Sullivan.He and Charles are thick as thieves.So all we've got to go on is this Sullivan bloke, lodges somewhere in Richmond?

Miss Fisher Mysteries

From what I know.But he's not fond of work and likes a bit of a party.And Mrs Freeman mentioned that Charles and Bobby play competition darts at a hotel somewhere near Sullivan's flat every Thursday.Gonna be hard to track him down on that much information.Kingston Pub runs a big darts comp.Good!