Red Cloud Traveling Circus Rar

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THERED BADGE OF COURAGEBoredwith farm life, and anxious for some excitement, HenryFleming sets off to join the Union troops fighting theCivil War. An inexperienced fighter, he is anxious toget into battle to prove his patriotism and courage. Heswaggers to keep his spirits up waiting for battle, butwhen suddenly thrust into the slaughter he is overcomewith blind fear and runs from the battle field.

He isashamed when he runs into some wounded men from thefront, for he has not earned their 'red badge ofcourage' and becomes devastated when he witnessesthe death of his terribly maimed friend. In a confusedstruggle with his own army and retreating soldiers, heis wounded but not by enemy gunfire. In an effort toredeem himself in his own eyes, he begins to fightfrantically and, in the heat of battle, automaticallyseizes the regiments colors in a daring charge thatproves him truly courageous.THETHINKING MACHINELincolnClark stars as Professor Augustus Van Dusen, the'Thinking Machine,' - an eccentric scientist withsuperior mental powers, who insists that logic willsolve any problem.

He has an assistant, the clevernewspaper reporter Hutchinson Hatch (Joe Caliendo Jr.),who brings him cases. The escapades of ProfessorVan Dusen provide a splendid romp for all lovers oftraditional mysteries. Produced by the awardwinning Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air, these twoclassic mysteries are presented with a full cast, soundeffects and music.Includes:.TheProblem of Dressing Room 'A'.ThePhantom MotorTOBYTYLER (or Ten Weeks With a Circus)Classicstory of a little orphan boy who runs away to join the circus, only tolearn that his new employer is a cruel taskmaster. A story that willtug on the heartstrings of listeners of all ages as they enter theworld of an old-time traveling circus.THEBOZEMAN TRAIL And The Fetterman MassacreHadit not been for Custer's defeat at the Little Big Horn,the story of The Bozeman Trail and the Fetterman Massacrewould be known to every American today as one of our worstmilitary disasters. While it was a defeat for theU.S.

Small Traveling Circus

Calvary, it was a victory for all the NativeAmericans, for after the battle, Red Cloud signed a peaceagreement with the U.S. And 'For the first time inits history the United States Government had negotiated apeace which conceded everything demanded by the enemy andwhich extracted nothing in return.' Hereis the story of that battle, dramatized for audio by theaward winning Colonial Radio Theatre. Complete witha full cast, music score, and thousands of sound effects,this production will put you in the middle of the action.Pa ges.


After his deliriously diverse debut, retrenches for his follow-up. The title is a reflection of the many guest artists, including, and, singers Kaitlyn Cassels, and, multi-instrumentalist, and of course sirRok, with labelmates taking the executive production credit. With so much talent at his side, it's no wonder sounds so pumped.and boastful. A surprising number of his raps are given over to freestyle flights of verbiage which, stripped of their tongue-tying acrobatics, boil down to 'I'm/We're the best.' It's expected on the title track which introduces the cast, but also infests the threatening 'The Coming,' the Western flavored '8000 RPM's,' the guitar driven 'Bonifide Xtreme,' and the moody 'Chit Chat.'

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Even so, God still gets His due, notably on the Latin tinged, pop combo 'Never Let You Go' and the heartfelt 'My Way.' The adamant rap of 'Don't Wear It Out' has a religious sheen, one of a number of songs with a Christian edge. Jesus may save, but hip-hop too has offered salvation for many lost on the world's meanest streets, and 'Broken Jaw' reflects both the genre's power and pull. Although Native American chants and rhythms underlay a number of the tracks here, only the haunting 'Indigenous Angel' is themed around the experience. In contrast, 'Battle Star Galactic' is out of this world; is at his most inspired, although his theme is hard to decipher, beyond the braggadocio and nod to his west coast home.


Although less musically adventurous than the last set, the beats and hooks here are strong, and there's excellent use of live guitar, bass, and piano. The minuet-esque 'My Way' takes inspiration from 'Love Is Blue'; 'The Coming' combines Native American and African beats to great effect; gloomy post-punk and fiery rock guitar drive 'Bonafide'; 's backing vocal conjures up a haunting atmosphere on 'Chit Chat,' and the incredibly catchy 'Put It On' defies easy categorization. Incidentally, that number is the only one to edge into larger cultural issues, with the rapper adamantly non-committal. Some fans may be initially disappointed by the dearth of thrills and fun that featured so prominently on. But by stripping back to hip-hop basics, 's awesome raps now come to the fore, and that's entertainment enough.