Scubapro G500 Manual

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  1. Scubapro G500 Manual 2016

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But, image meme posts will be removed without mercy, speared like a lionfish in the Caribbean and left on the reef of removed posts to be eaten by oblivion.If you intend on posting any medically related questions, (like ascending to altitude after a dive) please refer either to your local barotrauma doctor, or call DAN at one of the numbers on the link belowRemember that the vast majority of members here are NOT qualified to give accurate medical advice!Would you like a badge?Click on Edit user flair below on the right side and pick your certification level. (Green is nitrox, red is diver down) If you'd like a Dive Instructor badge you will have to PM a mod to prove you are a certified DI).Getting Started with Diving FAQHelp us put together a guide for all the common questions and answers. From how to buy gear as someone new to the sport, to tips on tech diving, to how to become a dive professional, we want to compile a resource for divers of all experience levels.If you want equipment help that isn't covered by the FAQ, make sure to mention the kind of environment you would be diving in and your experience level. People frequently post lists of equipment and ask 'if its good', but equipment is dependent on the purpose/environment of the dive (are you in cold or warm water? Do you want to get into cave, wreck, or sightseeing for critters).BUYING AND SELLING USED GEAR.Other reddits you might like:. (SFW).

(SFW).Dive Certification Agencies:.Medical Research and Assistance:. Hey, beginning diver here. In the interest of saving some money, I bought a set of gear sold by a resque diver who came on medical problems.

The gear looks good, and seems well-cared for.But as I was researching the breathing apparatus, it turned out that the tech is from 1998. I'm sure current tech is better, but i like some reassurance the old tech is pretty good and, when properly cared for, is still safe and comfortable.The lamp I got is a C-lite 8, with a halogen lamp. In the interest of extending battery life, is it possible/safe/advisable to drop a led bulb in?The computer is a Mares Puck.

As before, it is well cared for. Is there a significant downside to using a bit older algoritm? Should I just set it to be conservative?. Age doesn't matter.

¨Proper maintenance does.I still dive with a 1975 MK5 with a R 109 octopus as my primary.And a modern MK2 / R 190 as backup.The MK5 is a classic piston reg. It needs more maintenance then most membrame regs and give a rather distictive sound. But I had a very high flow capability and is easy to maintain/ replace seals.Buy it and bring it to your dive shop for an overhaul.

Don't trust any second equipment regardless of age without having it open/ overhauld if necessary.Warning be carefull of older MARES and others. It's impossible to find parts for them. Scubapro still has everything for their gear.As for Nitrox. Not all regs are fit for nitrox. But the only difference is the material off the O rings inside.Ask you local dive shop if the regulator can be used with Nitrox.Altough low concentrations of nitrow (Nitrox 32 and less) can be used safely with a regular air reg. You should be just fine with both of those regs.

Scuba gear hasn't changed that much in 20 years and there are not huge differences between a MK25 EVO and S600 you would buy today. Take them to an authorized Scubapro dealer for service and you'll be set. I actually dive with a G500 that I've had for almost 20 years myself.The G500 is essentially a modern S600 with a metal air barrel and I actually prefer it over the S600 for cold water. If it's a DIN model the MK20 should be good to go but if it's yoke you'll want to make sure that the recall has been done it. There was a problem with some first stages cracking a while back but the recall kit will take care of that. The regs are older, but ScubaPro stands behind what they sell. Take them to a dealer and get them serviced.


Scubapro G500 Manual 2016

If they can't get the parts to get them working then most likely ScubaPro will work with you. If they can get them working then they won't breathe like new top of the line regs, but they will be better than what you would get as a rental.Mares used the Puck name on several different computers, so we would need some more information to know exactly what you have. If it is a model that supports NITROX and it is in good working condition then it is fine to use. I don't know enough about that line of computers to know if you can adjust the algorithm, but there is no rule that says that you have to dive to the ragged edge of your computer. You can add conservatism by not pushing your NDL.For the light- it is possible to convert them to LED, but it isn't as simple as just swapping the bulb. Do a Google search and you will see that those conversions can get pretty extensive. Depending on how you value your time you are probably better off looking at some of the low cost LED lights available.

On the other hand some people would consider that a pretty cool project.