Xam Idea Class 9 Social Science

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Xam Idea Class 9 Social Science Questions And Answers

It might overwhelm you with its language but I feel if you can understand the content is authentic with plenty of problems to solve.You can use above books for extra knowledge and practicing different questions.

Working of Institutions Class 9 Important Questions Social Science Civics Chapter 5Important Questions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 5 Working of Institutions Working of Institutions Class 9 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type QuestionsQuestion 1.Name the three organs of the Government.Answer:. Executive. Legislative. JudiciaryQuestion 2.Who is the head of the state and the head of the government?Answer:The President is the head of the state whereas Prime Minister is the head of the government.Question 3.What is a Parliament? Name the two houses of the Parliament.Answer:It is the supreme law making body of India.

It has two Houses:. Lok Sabha. Rajya Sabha.Question 4.What are institutions?Answer:The arrangements which are made in modern democracies to run the government.Question 5.Name any three institutions responsible to run the democratic government in India.Answer:. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Civil Servant. The Supreme Court.Question 6.Name the institution where disputes between citizens and the government are finally settled.Answer:The Supreme Court.Question 7.Why democratic governments insist on institutions?

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Give two reasons.Answer:. Institutions involve rules and regulations. Institutions bind the hands of the rulers as these involve meetings, committees and routines.Question 8.Which House has more power regarding the money bill?

Give reason.Answer:The Lok Sabha exercises more powers in money matters. Once the Lok Sabha passes the budget of any other money related law, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can only delay it by 14 days or suggest changes, in it. The Lok Sabha may or may not accept these changes.Question 9.Explain No Confidence Motion.Answer:Only a person who enjoys the support of the majority of the members of the Lok Sabha is appointed as the Prime Minister.

Xam Idea Class 9 Social Science

If a no confidence motion is moved in the Lok Sabha, and passed, then,the Government has to resign.Question 10.With reference to the Rajya Sabha answer the following questions:(i) What is its power relating to money bill?(ii) Can it pass a No-Confidence Motion?Answer:(i) A Money bill can originate only in the Lok Sabha. When it is sent to the Rajya Sabha, it cannot reject it. The Rajya Sabha can delay it for 14 days.(ii) No, Rajya Sabha cannot pass the No-confidence Motion.Question 11.Define Executive. CBSE 2015Answer:At different levels of any government we find functionaries who take day-to-day decisions, but do not exercise the supreme power on behalf of the people.

Xam Idea Class 9 Social Science Online

All those functionaries are collectively known as the executive.Question 12.Who appoints the Prime Minister?Answer:The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.Question 13.What is the tenure of the Prime Minister?Answer:The Prime Minister does not have a fixed tenure. Who wants to be a millionaire game show template. Normally a Prime Minister is elected for 5 years, but remains in power till he enjoys the majority support.Question 14.Who are Cabinet Ministers?CBSE 2013, 14Answer:They are usually the top level leaders of the ruling party or parties, who are in charge of the major ministries like Defence, Railway, Foreign Affairs etc. Normally, all the major decisions are taken by these ministers.Question 15.What is judiciary?