Crackhead House

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People of any race that live to hit that nasty-ass rock. Usually real thin, dirty and smell like warm trash and/or, fecal matter, rotting corpses etc. Frequently bobbing, weaving, twitching. Large spurts of energy. Always got something for sale or knows somebody that has just what you need. The most severe crackheads can be viewed in the wild missing standard items such as shoes, socks and teeth. If you come into contact with a crackhead it is suggested to secure all valuables and avoid any physical contact or direct contact with their breath (could cause dizzyness and/or vomitting).

  1. Crackhead Apartment
  2. Craighead House Lebanon
  3. Crackhead Visits Hectors House

Crackhead Apartment

If you lose property to a crackhead, accept the loss. If you find yourself chasing a crackhead, accept the loss.

Crackheads are fast, they be gittin. You ain't catching no crackhead.

What I learned living next to crack dealersI spent about 5 years living next to a certified crackhead. When I moved to another housing project, I lived next to a crack dealer for 4 years. This is what I learned living next to crack dealers and crackheads.These are my observations, lessons learned, and experiences from living next to crack dealers and crackheads. By Last modified November 17, 2019For those of you who don’t recognize him, the photo above is me and Richard Donnell Ross, also known as: the most infamous crack dealer of all time (not the fat ass rapper who stole his name). The original “Johnny Appleseed of Crack”.

The most successful crack dealer in history. I figured that photo was appropriate.For those of you who don’t know, I grew up in the ghetto.(Read: “”)In the ghetto, there are crackheads. In case you didn’t know, crackheads are people addicted to crack-cocaine. Crackheads and the ghetto go together like Kool-Aid and fried chicken.Crackheads get their crack from somewhere. That’s where crack dealers come in. I grew up in the projects. This means I spent a lot of time around crack dealers and crack addicts.

However, my experience had a unique feature.I spent about 5 years living next to a certified crackhead. When I moved to another housing project, I lived next to a crack dealer for 4 years.The hood is a terrible place to begin with. I can assure you that living next to hard drug users and dealers is a unique level of hell.These are my observations, lessons learned, and experiences from living next to crack dealers and crackheads. Crackheads are surprisingly functionalA lot of crackheads rob and steal to get drug money.

There are also quite a bit who have jobs.They use that money to fund their crack habit and to also keep a roof over their head. Not all crackheads want to get high in a crack house.A typical crackhouse. Yes, they actually ‘live’ here.The crackhead who lived next door to me as a kid. My mom even occasionally let her babysit us.

This brings me to my next experience. Crackheads value drugs over moneyThe crackhead next door babysat me.When I was 4 years old, I picked up a syringe full of heroin and squirted it. I thought it was a water gun. The crackhead was super angry. I remember my mom offering to pay for the lost drugs, but the junkie didn’t calm down.I actually don’t remember the eventual resolution.In the world of a crackhead, crack is God.Crackheads sell their children to get crack money. Male and female crackheads will suck dick so they can get crack when low on funds.No crime is too great or too low once a person has sold their soul to the crack devil. Because of the last point, the crackhead economy is legendaryIt’s common to hear someone in the hood talk about “crack prices” when referring to something inappropriately priced.An object is in the “crack price” range when it’s priced low to expedite sale.My introduction to the concept of crack prices came at age 5.One day my dad parked his car outside and went through extra effort to put his Club anti-theft device on.

I asked him why he put The Club on. His response was, “So some crackhead doesn’t steal my car and sell it for 5 dollars.”That confused me.While 5-year old me didn’t know how much cars cost, I knew they were a lot more than 5 dollars. Once I learned that the rock is the most important thing to a crackhead, it all made sense.Since then I’ve watched or been victim to this type of crackhead behavior on a few occasions.I’ve known crackheads to break out car windows for loose change in the seats, ignoring anything else of value.Once a crackhead broke into my apartment and only stole a jar of change and a cable box. The crackhead is extremely short sighted.It’s only thinking about the fastest way to get just enough money to get high again.(Read: “”) Superhuman feats ascribed to crackheads are inspired by true eventsCrack doesn’t ACTUALLY give a person super powers.I joke about the crackhead superpowers, but all good jokes contain truth. What probably happens is crack changes their brain, allowing them to endure high amounts of painI’ve seen crackheads get hit by cars and keep moving.

I once watched a crackhead fall a few stories and shake it off l like nothing happened. I’ve personally seen crackheads jump out of burning buildings and land in stride.Crackhead strength displayYou also don’t really meet any fat crackheads. Maybe crack raises your metabolism, but it is likely just a symptom of the previous observation. Crack is more important to crackheads than food.If you only have 5 dollars from the car you stole and sold, crack comes before food.

Even if you haven’t eaten in days.(Read: “”) The biggest problem with illegal drugs is the violence between suppliers, not between buyersThey make a big deal about drug violence and why we need all these laws against drugs. My perspective is unique.I have no skin in the game either way but grew up at ground zero of war on drugs. Here’s what I’ve observed.I’ve never actually seen two crackheads fighting one another.Crackhead look alike contest.

I almost can pass for a sober Tyrone BiggumsI’ve seen them fighting other non-crackheads, but they don’t really war with one another. However, the crack dealer next door is one of the reasons there were bullet holes in my door.On a more general note, most hood violence is drug related.It’s about controlling who sells what, where, and for how much.

Craighead House Lebanon

Random muggings aren’t as common as shooting disputes over street corners. Bad traits come in clusters. Especially with crack dealersI’ve meet a few dealers of all different substances. My general experience has been that the harder the drug, the worse the human being is that deals it.I’m sure this is a result of the level of ruthlessness you need to get into and survive the game. Harder drugs are worth more money so the competition is tougher.This is merely speculation, but it makes sense.The crack dealer who lived next door to me regularly beat his girlfriend.

He even has Stan “the Man” Lee offering narration at the beginnings of each level! Unfortunately, what he doesn't have are decent camera angles or a robust quality assurance inspection.The arcade-style play can involve having to rewatch cutscenes and narration over and over again as you try to get the level right. The poor quality assurance means Spider-Man is full of game-breaking bugs that will prevent you from finishing the game, including ones that will corrupt saves or leave you stuck in a loading or cutscene loop.There are a few ways to get around some of these issues; certain bugs are allegedly due to framerate issues cutscene loops are supposed to occur when framerates exceed 30 FPS, which can be resolved with programs and tinkering that will manually cap the framerate at which Spider-Man will run. The clumsy camera means it's difficult to see around corners or where you're supposed to crawl or jump or what bad-guys you're supposed to not get shot. But is it worth it? Spiderman 3 games for windows xp.

Crackhead House

Once, he tried to push his way into my house to go after my then 10-year-old sister to beat her.She played a harmless prank, but he didn’t care. I pushed him out my house, but for weeks I worried that he’d shoot my 13-year old ass. Don’t start no shit there won’t be no shit with crackdealersDrug dealing is a thing a person gets into to make money.The ROI is shitty, but most guys sell drugs as a way to make ends meet.

They aren’t in it to fuck the world up or hurt others (despite what drugs do to people).They just want to put food on the table.You generally don’t have to worry about drug dealers trying to hurt or you rob you for no good reason.Unless you’re a player in the game, you’re safe. These guys have other issues but if you keep to yourself, you don’t have to worry about crack dealers.Omar never robbed civilians. Only other drug dealers Misery loves companyYou’ll never meet someone more generous than a hard drug user offering a hit of his drugs.I never used any hard drugs.

I was offered heroin, crack, and coke on a few occasions. The dealers weren’t the ones making the offer.

It was always a user while they were getting high.I don’t think something about being a smack or crackhead makes you more altruistic than the general population. I think this is an attempt to normalize their behavior.If you accept their invitation, it makes them feel a lot better about feeding their addiction in your company. More people are on hard drugs than you thinkI didn’t learn this directly from living in the projects.I knew a guy who made home deliveries. One day (in the rash stupidity of youth) I did a ride along with him. I couldn’t come in the house and meet the clients, but we were in some pretty nice areas.Most clients bought “soft” (cocaine). A few wanted “hard” (crack).

He told me that most these people were doctors and lawyers.This reiterates what I’ve stated earlier about drug dealers being functional individuals. These people can hold down a job (a damn good one) but they just like to party.Living next to crackheads and crack dealers is something I will never do again. However, I can’t deny that I’ve learned some things about life that you can’t pay to learn. I don’t know you, but I know you.I know that you’re tired of feeling weak, being a victim, and having no control over the direction of your life.I know you because I was once you.I used to be stuck on the hedonistic treadmill of mediocrity.

Crackhead Visits Hectors House

Always drunk, always broke, and always looking for the next piece of cheap entertainment and distraction.Then one day, I changed my entire life around.I took responsibility for my personal development and started living the best life I possibly could. I learned how to:. Live with purpose. Think with clarity. Face the my demons. Fix my financesUnlike a lot of other motivational gurus, I’ve been to the bottom and I clawed my way back out.

It wasn’t easy and I wasn’t sure if I’d just become another statistic along the way, but I think I have made tremendous progress.I learned the hard way, but I can break it down so you can learn it the easy way.