Government Programs Prevent Obesity

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AbstractVOL: 101, ISSUE: 39, PAGE NO: 23Karen Fisher, BSc, is chief dietitian, Whiteabbey Hospital, Newtonabbey, Northern IrelandObesity is the most common nutritional disorder in the world (WHO, 1998), caused when an individual’s energy intake exceeds her or his expenditure for a prolonged period of time. For example, consuming an extra 100 kilocalories per day on top of an individual’s energy requirements will cause a 5kg weight gain per year (SIGN, 1996).Yet despite the apparently simple cure of reducing calorie intake or increasing physical activity, the incidence of obesity is on the increase (Table 1).

Programs To Prevent Childhood Obesity

What is the government doing to stop obesity

Government Programs Prevent Obesity Statistics

In 2003 almost 60 per cent of women and 68 per cent of men were overweight or obese in the UK.The picture is similar for children. One recent report found 33 per cent of Scottish 12-year-olds were overweight, 18 per cent were obese and 10-11 per cent were severely obese.