Program Rejected Invalid Policy Sccm

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I may have posted this before - I can't remember. Error code Value Description-ERRORSUCCESS 0 Action completed successfully.ERRORINVALIDDATA 13 The data is invalid.ERRORINVALIDPARAMETER 87 One of the parameters was invalid.ERRORINSTALLSERVICEFAILURE 1601 The Windows Installer service could not beaccessed.

Sccm Deployment Failed Bad Environment

Post your SCCM tips and tricks, requests for help, or links others might find useful! Post not showing up?It might have been caught by the spam filter. URL shorteners cause this almost every time, but so do strings of apparent gibberish like WSUS and PXE sometimes. We don't check the modqueue very often. if your post is stuck!Resources:.(largely outdated)Chat Groups.Current Version:.Flair:. Flair is reserved for Microsoft employees and MVPs.

Please send mod mail if you qualify and would like flair set for your account.Contributing MVPs.Contributing Microsoft Employees. I have a client that I'm migrating from an old SCCM server to a new. I uninstalled the old client and re-installed the new client. New client install finds the site and tries to register but gets an error in ClientIDManagerStartup.log:'Server rejected registration request: 3'On the MP, i'm getting 'MP has rejected a message from client GUID:XXX because it was not signed using the hash algorithm that is required by this site'Most of my googling has lead me to believe I have a duplicate GUID, but I can't find a duplicate for the life of me. I've also generated 4 new GUID's at this point using the RESETKEYINFORMATION=TRUE flag during the install. So i would think that would negate any duplication issues anyway?

My SQL is weak so its possible my queries aren't right, but i've tried just about every query google could find. I've also did a query to check for any revoked machines and didnt find any.I should also mention that the client installs perfectly during OSD no problem.So what I've tried so far on the client:.Uninstall the client, delete windowsccm, ccmsetup, ccmcache, SMSCFG.ini. Remove the SMS and CCM registry folders, removed the certs from the SMS cert store (dont see anyting in personal).Re-install the client - I've tried a million different combinations of flags. I even looked at a successful install during OSD and used the exact install flags that were found in the ccmsetup registry key. Although it looks like everything is published in AD properly so just running ccmsetup.exe would probably work fine. It finds the site automatically.Additional info. CertificateMaintenance.log has a 'succesfully created certificate' message.

Site status is all green. Component status is all green except for the MP because of the rejections. The MP is set for HTTP, but on the 1,400 clients that work, they still always create a self-signed cert. One thing I kept seeing through google was people asking if their boundaries were published. Mine are not, butI believe newer versions don't publish the boundaries to AD?. Its possible this machine was 'cloned' and didn't go through the proper imaging procedure/ts.

Program Rejected Invalid Policy Sccm Download


I only think thisbecause i've run out of other ideas and i know its been done in the past. I have not been able to confirm this. Even though I have AD discovery turned on, this machine is joined to AD but its no longer in my console. Atone point it was in there and I deleted it out. But discovery wont pull it back in.

Old server has a different site code from the new server. Time and date are correct on client.

I installed Hyper-V on this machine which created a few bridged network adapters. I've tried disabling them and using the physical NIC and still no luckMy next step is to get another machine that was connected to the old SCCM server and see if i can uninstall/re-install the client to determine if its this one machine or more global.Any other suggestions?.

The MP is set for HTTP, but on the 1,400 clients that work, they still always create a self-signed certThis is normal. Client auth certs have nothing to do with HTTPS; as the name implies, there are used for authentication of the client by the site/MP.

Program Rejected Invalid Policy Sccm

In HTTP communication mode, self-signed certs are used for this.One thing I kept seeing through google was people asking if their boundaries were published. Mine are not, but I believe newer versions don't publish the boundaries to AD?Boundaries are irrelevant for this. To answer the question though, boundaries in boundary groups marked for site assignment are still published to AD.But discovery won't pull it back inYou need to check the adsysdis.log.

The normal reasons a system wn;t be discovered are:. Not in the OUs configured in discovery.

Not resolvable via DNS. Computer object is disabled. OS attribute in AD not populated with supported OSIn clientidmanagerstartup.log, is it showning a certificate seleciton process and/or have you verified that there are no other eligible client auth certs in the Peronsal store of the computer account on the system?.

Thank you, I think we are on to something. In the clientid log, its selecting a 'Microsoft Remote Attestation Service' cert that is in my Personal store.I'm guessing this is where my problem lies. It appears the certs the installer is creating are put in Cert(Local Comp) - SMS. I'm assuming it should use those.According to the docs I can specify a CCMCERTSTORE=SMS, because the default is 'Personal.'

So why would they put the certs created during install somewhere else and not default to them?I'm going to try and force the proper cert, and i'll report back.Thanks!. So I couldn't figure out a command line switch to force the specific cert.

Program Rejected Invalid Policy Sccm

I tried a few combinations of CCMCERTSTORE and CCMCERTSEL but couldn't get it going.I ended up going into the Site Properties - Client Communication tab and setting the 'Location' field to 'SMS' so that it defaults to that cert store instead of 'Personal'Not sure what implications this might have on other settings, but I at least have a work around for now.Any thoughts on what issues might crop up from keeping that setting?.