Lutterloh Pattern Supplement

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Some of you may have seen that you can order past supplements from the various Lutterloh websites. You may wonder though, which patterns do I already have in my current book? Well, if you have a book that was published anytime after 1974, there is a way to figure this out.1974, by the way, is the year that Lutterloh switched to the format that they sell currently. The yellow shipping box, and the seven supplement, 280 patterns format were both implemented in this year.

Before 1974 it can be very difficult to decipher exactly when your patterns were released unless they actually have a date printed on them.The supplement numbers that are included in your book can be found on the fashion photo pages of patterns 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201, and 241. They are listed after the Reg. On the bottom or left side of the page. In the current books they will look like this on the left side of the photo below:The first zero appears to be a space marker, the next three digits are your supplement number and the last two digits indicate the number of the month the supplement was published, 02=February, 05=May, 08=August and 11=November. So from the above example we know we are looking at supplement number 261 released in the fifth month or May of 2006. The year is listed in Roman numerals.Lutterloh currently uses a six digit number to indicate the supplement number but this was not always the case. Below are fashion photos from books from the 1970s and 1980s.The supplement number was first listed as a three digit number with a letter to indicate the month.

F=February, M=May, A=August and N=November. It wasn’t until the early 1980s that Lutterloh started to print the copyright year on each and every pattern page.Later, in the late 1980s, they changed the supplement number to start with a zero and used a number to indicate the month. 2=Feb., 5=May, 8=Aug., and an 11 for November. The two digits in eleven must have been confusing to some because they soon changed again to the six digit number we see used today.Unfortunately I have recently found a discrepancy that contradicts this clever numbering system. I noticed my book from 2008 has a few numbered pages that are repeated.

It appears as though, for some of the patterns, they actually combined pages from two different supplements. I will have two pages that start with, for instance, number 121 and the following few pages include some patterns from 2008 and some from 2005 until they get to the page of the next Reg. I hope this isn’t going to be a regular new format. It will just be too confusing to find which patterns you’re missing.Now, barring any new changes to the manual format, you too can decipher the make up of your Lutterloh pattern book. There’s no reason to wonder, which supplements do I need to complete my collection? We've all tried completing our collection but in each country, even, different style from the supplements have been put into the books. The 70's is one of my favorites and I have a lot of them and I've learned to be happy with that idea.

A style is just that it repeats it's self. I know that looking at the photos of the styles will help you take your Lutterloh book and make more from it.

Try e-bay for styles many of the sales share several photos, also there are groups online that have photos in their membership area's. You can see some of the groups on the bar to the right. Good luck with your quest we have all done it! I want to buy the Lutterloh System but how do I know which patterns come with the kit?

I'm looking for simple straight or A-line skirts that are fitted on the natural waistline. It seems most ready-mades, and even commercial patterns are'at' the waist or below the waist, neither of which look good on my body shape.I've never made my own patterns before and I'm a little nervous, but your incredible blog is inspiring me to try. Sorry for being 'anonymous' but I can't seem to post any other way. I'll get it figured out, though, and I'll be back as the 'real' me! Thanks so much for all the great info! If you buy a current set of Lutterloh you should be able to take a preview before buying.


Also there are supplements that span years, 4 a year etc. Check our right bar for lutterloh sites, many of them show the styles online.I have a great deal of the Lutterloh past books and there is always an A-line skirt and a pencil skirt. They include a good number of skirts in each kit.The first thing you learn when using this system is once you draw up the pattern and test the paper pattern on yourself you can go and adjust that waist to where it looks best on you.

You can do this with commercial patterns also, but where can you get so many patterns all in one place? You get to shop at home. I put sticky tabs on the patterns I want to make and mix and match things to make the pattern just what I was envisioning.fitting yourself takes a little practice no matter where your pattern comes from. There are lots of places for support, including us,chat groups, etc.I love my Lutterloh books! You are looking for a straight skirt.It is the most popular and most common skirt you will find in most the Lutterloh Books. I can never be sure what they will put out in a book. We are not in any way affiliated with Lutterloh, in fact they have tried to shut this blog down so I tread carefully.yes a pencil skirt does drawn in at the knees it usually has a back vent and can be very flattering.Have you considered making a copy of that favorite skirt?

There are many web sites that show you how to copy things. It works very nice and a skirt is very easy to copy. Anonymousoh, oh, please don't shut down!

They ought to be happy you give them so much press and praise! I might not have been convinced on the system if it weren't for your wonderful blog!okay, so because i am a bit zaftig, the taper in a pencil skirt doesn't work on my body shape (old dancer, big thighs, lol). But i was reading more of your blogs and came across the one where you discuss making a pattern from a favorite clothing item. I might give that a try.also, there's one other thing that has affected the fit of my clothes. I am a breast cancer survivor.

Quake HD Remix This apparently seems to be one of the best HD remakes out there, correct me if I'm wrong. I've been unable to install Quake 2 myself. Everybody says installation is straightforward, and that you just gotta extract Quake2xp to the installation folder. Quake2xp white box. QuakeIIxp is a multi-platform (windows, linux and freeBSD (experemental)) graphics port of the game Quake II developed by Id. So, after that I tried to install the 'Remodel Quake Weapons' no luck either. I get an OpenAL error when starting Quake 2 xp how do i fix this? This is another hd graphical mod for Quake2, with advanced glsl render. Quake 2 mod Released Jul 7, 2018. Installation under Linux here.

Lutterloh System

Lutterloh patterns downloadLutterloh Pattern Supplement

My cure was bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. My bust line is much smaller than it used to be, and i have such a hard time finding things to fit. I think lutterloh is going to help me with that, too!love the blog! Keep it up!my computer administrator won't allow me to 'join' any websites, so i just want to let you know my name is Bobbi, i'm 63, and i live in Texas.

Bobbi, just sign your notes. It helps to know who we are talking to. I had to close the blog for a while a few years back but we are solid now and just try to behave.Many people have found lutterloh books at second hand shops and garage sales. It doesn't matter what time period we can help you see how a pattern can be changed for today's styles. Really only a handful of styles have always made up the fashion of the time.

If you have craigs list put in a wanted note. You never know what is in someones closet going un-used.

Lutterloh Supplement 309

The lutterlonh pattern making system is my number one pattern. Anybody that is used to sewing is also used to doing a lot of body measurements.Saying that you can make perfect Fitting cloths with just two measurements can sound unbelievable to such a person.That was also unbelievable to me until I found the lutterloh pattern making system.The lutterloh system is a complete package.

It offers a wide range of products highlighting different Seasons fashion styles and age ranges.The system also comes with an instructional videos to help you up and running immediately you get the system.The world-renowned Lutterloh system comes with all the various tools and equipment you will need to start putting its masterwork system to action including specialised measuring tapes and acrylic curves for use in pattern design and conception.