Marzocchi Z1 Cr Service Manualdownload Free Software Programs Online

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  1. Marzocchi Z1 Cr Service Manual Download Free Software Programs Online Programs
  2. Marzocchi Z1 Cr Service Manual Download Free Software Programs Online Courses

.Manual.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu- ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this.D-10997 Berlin Germany Native Instruments North America, Inc.

6725 Sunset Boulevard 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028 Japan Native Instruments KK YO Building 3F Jingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 Japan © Native Instruments GmbH, 2013. All rights reserved.Filter Mode. 13 3.1.5 Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR.14 3.1.6 Using the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 as a MIDI Controller.14 3.1.7 Using Additional Controllers.14 Using the Z1 with TRAKTOR DJ. 15 Key Z1 Functions Using TRAKTOR DJ.Table of Contents 4.1.6 FX Mode.18 4.1.7 Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR DJ. 19 TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 Hardware Reference.20 Introduction.20 Rear Panel.20 5.2.1 DC Power.21 5.2.2 USB Connection.21 5.2.3.DJ requirements. The purpose of this TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 manual is to achieve the following: ▪ Provide you with the required information to get your TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 up and run- ning with TRAKTOR.Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow.

→ Naming Convention In this manual, we often refer to the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 also as the 'KONTROL Z1,' or simply the 'Z1.' Likewise, the included TRAKTOR LE2 software will most often just be referred to as 'TRAKTOR.' .Welcome to the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1! The TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 Documentation at a Glance 1.3.3 The TRAKTOR Manual For in-depth information on all features provided by the TRAKTOR software, please refer to the TRAKTOR Manual.

You can access the TRAKTOR Manual via the Open Manual entry from Help menu in the TRAKTOR software.For the minimum system requirements your computer needs to meet, see the TRAKTOR speci- fications section of the Native Instruments website: To check the compatibility with several operating systems, please have a look at: TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 9.Although you are no doubt eager to get straight into mixing with the Z1, we recommend taking a few minutes to familiarize yourself with how the Z1's key functions operate when you are us- ing TRAKTOR. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 10.Auto-Gain level on the software will also write this new Auto-Gain setting to the song file.

However, turning the GAIN knob on the Z1, will still alter the User-Gain level, not the Au- to-Gain level. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 11.Press both Cue buttons so that they are off. Turn the CUE MIX knob all the way to the right. If the channel faders are up you will be able to hear the main mix coming through your headphones. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 12.→ To activate the (ladder) FILTER, press either of the Z1's buttons so that they illumi- nate blue. To switch back to the Default Z Filter, simply repeat the above process again. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 13.MODE again will pause the corresponding Deck.

3.1.6 Using the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 as a MIDI Controller The Z1 also functions as an efficient MIDI controller with third-party software. Open TRAKTOR's preferences Within the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 preferences section, check the.Using the Z1 with TRAKTOR DJ The TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 is designed to work with the TRAKTOR DJ app on iOS devices. In this section we will describe the Z1's key functions when using it with the TRAKTOR DJ app.Move the crossfader all the way to channel A so that you are only hearing the track on Deck A. At the same time bring the channel volume fader all the way down for channel B. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 16.TRAKTOR DJ.

The first is standard control of the filter; the second controls the selected effect. This dual function oper- ates through the use of the MODE button. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 17.You'll notice that the selected effect is altered in a different way when manually adjusted this way.

When no FILTER mode is required, press the button again so that it is not illumi- nated. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 18.B) in the Headphone and Cue Control area, will trigger play- back of the corresponding Deck in TRAKTOR DJ. Whilst a Deck is playing, pressing MODE again will then pause the corresponding Deck. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 19.TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 Hardware Reference Introduction This chapter details the use of each element on your TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1.

Like any audio hardware, it is a good idea to get familiar with the Z1 in order to make the most of it.The USB connection will either connect the Z1 to your computer or iOS device. In the latter scenario, the provided Native Instruments iOS cable is required. If you are using the Z1 with TRAKTOR DJ on your iOS device, you will need to ensure that the DC power adaptor is connected to the mains to power the device.▪ Unbalanced RCA: The RCA output allows simple connectivity for an amplification system. 5.2.4 Kensington Lock Port The Kensington lock port on the rear panel.

This metal-reinforced hole provides an additional security option whereby a bespoke cable and lock can be applied. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 22.You can connect a pair of headphones to the Z1 via the 3.5mm (or 1/8-inch) stereo headphone plugs.

The headphone input can be located on the front panel of the Z1. Adjust the level for the headphones via the HP VOLUME knob on the Z1's top panel. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 23.Top Panel Top Panel The top panel of the Z1 The following section describes all of the controls and displays on the Z1's top panel—learning these functions is the key to mastering the Z1!

TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 24.Z1's channels, you will see three EQ knobs (HI, MID, and LOW). The Z1's EQ section gives you a fast and easy way to adjust for frequency imbalances. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 25.MID-EQ knobs, the LOW-EQ knobs also control their respective frequency bands, in this case the low band. The center position of the LOW-EQ knob also has no effect on the sound: 0bB with no boost or cut to the low-band frequencies. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 26.▪ Triggering either Deck playback or pausing in TRAKTOR, and TRAKTOR DJ.

Refer to sec- tions ↑3.1.5, Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR, and ↑4.1.7, Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 27.MODE function to achieve Deck playback or pausing, refer to sections ↑3.1.5, Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR, ↑4.1.7, Triggering Deck Playback or Pause in TRAKTOR DJ TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 28.The channel volume faders control only Decks A and B in TRAKTOR. It is not possible to assign decks C and B to the Z1's channel faders. Crossfader The crossfader lets you mix between channels A and B. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - Level Meters The level meters in between the volume faders on the top panel. The Z1's level meters are located right above the crossfader.

They show the individual decks' pre fader output. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 30.Appendix The Z1's Preferences in TRAKTOR The TRAKTOR preferences contain a section dedicated to the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1.

Open the TRAKTOR preferences either by clicking the cogwheel symbol in the software's upper right corner, or via File Preferences. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1.The Calibration area in the Z1 preferences. Use these controls if your Z1's controls appear to have decalibrated. Pressing one of the but- tons will recalibrate the relevant mixer controls. 6.1.3 LEDs The LEDs area in the Z1 preferences.


TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 32.Enable MIDI mode via Mode + Cues ensures that the Z1 can switch into MIDI mode via this button combination. Refer also to ↑3.1.6, Using the TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 as a MIDI Controller. TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 33.Crossfader 29 CUE MIX knob 28 Gain CUE VOL 28 11 adjusting GAIN knobs 25 Documentation Overview Hardware Reference TRAKTOR Manual 27 FILTER Knobs 27 MODE button Headphone Cueing 12 16 CUE MIX TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 34.Restore Default TRAKTOR DJ 15 iOS Devices MAIN knob 25 Triggering Deck Playback MAIN OUT 22 14 In TRAKTOR MIDI Controller 19 In TRAKTOR DJ Enable 14 User-Gain level 11 Power requirements System requirements TRAKTOR KONTROL Z1 - Manual - 35.

.Marzocchi forks are famous for working for ages without fettling. However an oil change will make them run smoother and last longer.

It's not difficult to do either. This service is being done on a Z150 fork but the Z1s are very similar as are some other Marzocchi needed. 21mm socket. 12mm (deep and narrow) socket - check you have one that fits the bottom nuts before starting. 10mm open ended spanner. 2.5mm allen key.

Rags. Container for old oil. 7.5wt oil (350cc or slightly less - see below). Teflon Grease. Undo the bottom nuts. You will need a socket that is thin enough to fit in the recess and deep enough to go over the dome on the nut. I had to get this hexagonal socket drilled out slightly to go over the dome.

Hold the damper assemblies with your fingers to prevent them turning while you undo the nuts. Remove the damper assemblies and clean them.8. You can't get the ETA assembly apart so stand it upright to allow any remaining oil to drain out. Gently unscrew the rebound adjuster rod from the rebound assembly. It has a fine thread and should unscrew by hand.

Clean and stand the rebound assembly upright to drain too. You should now have all these bits clean and ready for re-assembly.

Marzocchi Z1 Cr Service Manual Download Free Software Programs Online Programs

Start by applying some grease imbetween the inner oil seals and outer dust seals. Don't forget to replace the seal springs if you have removed them and then carefully slide the stanchions back into the lowers taking care not to damage the seals.11. Slide the stanchions right down and then replace the damping assemblies.

Marzocchi Z1 Cr Service Manual Download Free Software Programs Online Courses

Tighten the bottom nuts to hold them in place. Don't over tighten them! 11Nm is the recommended torque if you have a torque wrench.