Atlas Of The Moon Rukl Pdf

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  1. Atlas Of The Moon Antonin Rukl Pdf
  2. Atlas Of The Moon Rukl Pdf Free
  3. Moon Maps Atlas

Full text of 'Photographic Atlasofthe Moon1The Photographic Atlas of the Moon is a day-by-day photographic guide to observing thefeatures of the Moon through a small tele-scope, compiled by three keen amateurastronomers, each image was producedusing a 40-cm telescope and high-resolutionlow-speed film, whole Moon images are pro-vided for each day of the 29-day lunar cycle,with labelled features and accompanyingdescriptive text, selected lunar features areshown at high magnification to highlightand clearly illustrate certain regions. All lunarfeatures are labelled using current lAU termi-nology. A comprehensive set of appendicesdetail the phases of the Moon, give a chronol-ogy of lunar selenography, and index alllunar features named in the text.

This atlas isan invaluable reference guide for amateursengaging in lunar observations with a smalltelescope.The authors are all keen amateur astronomers,and have all been interested in astronomy froman early age.siew Meng chong (centre) is a Fellow of theRoyal college of Pathologists and is currentlyaffiliated to the Department of Pathology of theNational university of Singapore. He is a Fellowof the Royal Astronomical Society, and has beenPresident of the Astronomical society ofMalaysia.Albert Urn (right) holds a Masters Degree inAstronomy, is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomicalsociety, and the Singapore contact for theinternational Astronomical union (lAU)commission 46 (Astronomy Education andDevelopment). He has been President of theAstronomical society of Singapore since itsfoundation in 1 992. And is an avid astrophotog-rapher.Poon Seng Ang (left) holds a degree incomputer science and a diploma in MechanicalEngineering, and is currently the vice Presidentof the Astronomical society of Singapore.

Atlas Of The Moon Antonin Rukl Pdf

He tooIs an avid astrophotographer.Photographic Atlas of the MoonThe Photographic Atlas of the Moon is a day-by-day photographicguide to observing the features of the Moon through a small tele-scope. Compiled by three keen amateur astronomers, each imagewas produced using a 40-cm telescope and high-resolution low-speed film.

Atlas Of The Moon Rukl Pdf Free


Whole Moon images are provided for each day of the29-day lunar cycle, with labelled features and accompan3dngdescriptive text. Selected lunar features are shown at highmagnification to highlight and clearly illustrate certain regions.All lunar features are labelled using current lAU terminology. Acomprehensive set of appendices detail the phases of the Moon,give a chronology of lunar selenography, and index all lunar fea-tures named in the text. This atlas is an invaluable referenceguide for amateurs engaging in lunar observations with a smalltelescope.The authors are all keen amateur astronomers, and have all beeninterested in astronomy from an early age. Siew Meng Chong isa Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and is currentlyaffiliated to the Department of Pathology of the NationalUniversity of Singapore. He is a Fellow of the Royal AstronomicalSociety, and has been President of the Astronomical Society ofMalaysia. Albert lim holds a Masters Degree in Astronomy, is aFellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and the Singaporecontact for the International Astronomical Union (lAU)Commission 46 (Astronomy Education and Development).

Moon Maps Atlas

Hehas been President of the Astronomical Society of Singaporesince its foundation in 1992, and is an avid photographer. PoonSeng Ang holds a degree in Computer Science and a diploma inMechanical Engineering, and is currently the Vice Presidentof the Astronomical Society of Singapore. He too is an avidastrophotographer.Photographic Atlas of the MoonS.M. Chong, Albert Urn, RS. AngCambrtdgeUNIVERSITY PRESSPUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGEThe Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United KingdomCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK40 West 20th Street, New York, NY, USA477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, AustraHaRuiz de Alarcon 13, 28014 Madrid, SpainDock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001. South AfricaSiew Meng Chong, Albert Lim and Poon Seng Ang 2002This book is in copyright.