Shining Force Feather Patch

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Schism 1.5 sec cast: Castigation makes shoot another bolt, effectively increasing its damage and healing done by 33%. Penance is currently not a very powerful spell, and as such giving it another 33% is not really worth it, especially considering that makes it hit harder than Castigation would anyway.: Twist of Fate gives us a 20% damage and healing increase when healing a target below 35%. While this can be quite powerful, it’s not very reliable. In comparison, is completely controllable and allows us to choose when exactly we want the additional throughput. This devalues by a lot, and it’s therefore not recommended.: A powerful nuke on a 24 second cooldown that increases our own damage done (Note: does not increase our and damage) by 40% for 9 seconds. This is an incredible spell/cooldown that Discipline priests currently mostly revolve around. It has a very significant impact on our throughput, and is important to have ready whenever heavy raid damage is incoming, both for smaller and bigger ramp ups.


Shining Force Feather English Patch

This talent is essential, and is the ideal pickup for any content.Recommended talents: for dungeons and raids, if you struggle to keep the tank alive in dungeons. Angelic Feather Instant: Makes our apply a 40% movement speed increase for 3 seconds. This can have some fringe uses for providing movement speed, but is generally outclassed by the much more controllable.: Makes the debuff applied to yourself by heal us and reduce our damage taken by 10%. On fights where mobility isn’t super needed and the GCD spend on feather isn’t worth it, Masochism becomes a potentially powerful choice. On fights like Champions of Light and Grong where mobility isn’t needed and you mostly stand still, is a waste to pick and you can choose Masochism.: Our primary movement spell, Angelic Feather puts down a feather on the ground granting 40% movement speed for 5 seconds to whoever picks this up.

You will primarily be using this on yourself, but it can be utilized to give certain allies an extra movement speed boost when needed. Using the Angelic Feather macro (found on Macros page) will make the feather automatically be put under your feet and give you the speed increase, however 2 binds are recommended (one for the self cast, one for regular cast). This will be your primary pick for any content.Recommended talents: for both dungeons and raids. Power Word: Solace Instant: Makes grant 0.5% of your mana when fully absorbed.

This talent is mostly outclassed entirely on the mana front by when Power Word: Shield is used regularly, however with making very powerful, this talent becomes a very bad pick.: Transforms your into a, lowering its damage significantly and its cooldown down from 3 minutes to only 1 minute. The Mindbender also grants mana on every swing. The mana gained from this is again lower than, and while having a pet ability out for every is strong, the overall loss from not having the damage and mana from is noticeable.: Deals a good amount of damage instantly and returns 1% mana when used. This both does a good amount of damage and returns a solid amount of mana since it also serves as a replacement for a, which technically makes it 1.5% mana per use. As both the best mana and damage choice on this row, you will pick this up in all situations and for all content.Recommended talents: for both dungeons and raids. Shining Force Instant: Reduces the cooldown of by 30 seconds. This has some fringe uses as a CC talent, mostly in Mythic+ for interrupts.

It has almost no real uses in raiding, but be wary of its potential.: Turns into a 2 minute cooldown that makes a target humanoid enemy your pet for 30 seconds. This used to have some cool uses, but any time this is strong it gets nerfed. It’s not recommended for any content since it can’t be used at all for raids and only serves to slow down pulls in Mythic+.: A targeted knock-back around a target. This spell has had some very impactful uses in the past, such as on Aggramar for add control, and has some good uses in Battle of Dazar’alor as well. You can knock-back raptors chasing you on Conclave, or reposition bots if the Death Knights mess up on Mekkatorque. This is the only talent with real impact in raids, although still fringe.Recommended talent: for raids, / for dungeons.

Shining Force Feather English Patch Rom

Shadow Covenant Instant: Increases your damage done by 12%, reduced for every you have out down to 3%. This is a very solid damage increase, especially on low atonement counts, which you will find yourself at during maintenance healing.

Even the 3% damage is also a fair increase to your burst throughput. This will be your go to talent for raiding since it provides relevant throughput increase for both DPS and HPS.: Makes your defensive heal every target with for a low spell power%. This is basically Blizzard’s attempt to “fix” Discipline priest on encounters when there isn’t any target to hit, like the bridge on Imonar.

However, after being heavily nerfed during beta, this talent is practically useless and doesn’t really have any applications.: A solid instant heal that heals 5 targets for a moderate amount and applies a healing absorb for 50% of the healing provided which lasts 6 seconds or until healed. This talent is mostly for padding, and can provide a significant amount of numbers on the meters. However, the effective healing is half of that because of the heal absorb that generally gets healed off, and you also lose the damage and burst healing increase of. It’s throughput however can be quite significant, and can be used on fights with high constant damage intake like Grong.Recommended talents: for both dungeons and raids. Halo 1.5 sec cast: An upgrade to, it deals slightly more HPS, lasts longer and now cleaves off the target when hit by Penance, applying a new full duration dot. This is a very good spell on any multi target encounter, since you need to spend less globals applying dots, and when they can cleave the value of the talent skyrockets.

This is the general go to talent for raiding and especially dungeons, where you will cleave it on every trash pack you encounter, leading to very high HPS coming from multiple dots.: Fires off a projectile that travels a short distance before returning to you, healing and damaging targets in its path. Can be a potentially strong talent if you’re constantly stacked up and there isn’t multiple targets for to cleave off.: Fires a ring, healing and damaging targets in a large radius.

Shining Force 4

This can be quite good if you only have a single target and aren’t stacked enough for to be useful, however once again when there are multiple targets, wins out.Recommended talents: for both dungeons and raids. However, both and have their uses. Evangelism Instant: Reduces the damage that any ally with takes by 3%.

Barbie team gymnastics games for girls. This is a niche talent for raids, and the primary talent for mythic+. A straight up 3% DR on anyone with atonement can be quite good, but it is mostly outdone by ’s raw throughput potential as a burst cooldown. This talent has however seen some uses where just doesn’t do much - where the damage is in one centered burst that can be healed quickly and the tank damage is high.

The only encounter this expansion where it has been used is Fetid Devourer, really.: Transforms your into an instant cast that applies a mediocre shield to the entire raid. Throughput wise it’s generally outdone by, and total output wise losing Power Word: Barrier is a big hit. This talent is not recommended in raids, and is straight up worse than no talent in Mythic+.: When used it increases the duration of all by 6 seconds.

This will extend all the Atonements you have out, and should be used as your big burst healing cooldown. This spell provides significant throughput, especially when combined with. This is your go to pick for raids, but is fairly useless for dungeons.Recommended talents: for raiding, for dungeons.