Spons Electrical Estimating Pdf

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  1. Electrical Estimating Free

Myth: Computerized estimates are moreaccurate than those done the old, by hand method.Truth: Any estimate, done by hand or with the use of acomputer,is only as good as the estimator who makes and reviews it. Computer assistedestimates are not necessarily more complete or more accurate than a 'byhand' estimate. Both types of estimates are deeply affected by a simpleformula: Quality in = Quality out.It doesn't matter how good the software is, or how large the database. If thematerial items in the database are not priced; or if the labor items areincorrectly labored (or worse - they have no labor values at all); or if yousimply fail to make correct entries; or use the wrong database - your estimatescan carry the potential to be highly flawed. A highly flawed estimate is eithertoo low or too high.

Either way the company loses. It is the estimator's primaryjob to know if the estimate is right.Myth: Computerized estimates take less time than thosedone theold, by hand way.Truth: This is a slight myth.


Most computer assistedestimatescan be completed in less time, but they can often take longer. Again, it dependson the estimator. What his 'take-off and entry style' is or what the company'stake-off policies are. There are many variables when using computers.

Thesevariables give you the choice of how fast or slow you want to be and when.A standard estimate has 2 primary stages - take-off and extension.During the take-off stage, using software can often be a slower processthan theolder, simpler method of counting symbols and writing the totals down on a paperspreadsheet. The interface with software requires additional time and effort tofind or build the right items or assemblies in the database. The proper breakoutlocation must be assigned and set prior to entry. A 'count entry'function is required. This requires typing in and/or clicking a button for thecorrect value entry.

This is a lot of work compared to hand writing a symbol ornote and then placing a figure underneath it.Where the speed differential occurs is primarily after the take-offstage is doneand all the entry is complete. This is the time of extension.It is in this single function that the computer absolutely, withoutmercy defeatsthe old 'by hand' method. The old method requires a very detailedwrite-up and expansion of the counted items. A light fixture, for example, mayhave 7-10 individual components which need to be written down, along with theirassociated material prices and labor units. Then these values need to becalculated against the quantities and sub-totals need to be entered for each.After all this, final totals need to be summed up. This takes a great deal oftime, effort, accuracy and hand strength.

After all this, it is likely thatsomeone else will need to double-check the extensions for accuracy. Imagine thetime required to complete this process on a bid that has 3 or more Bid Formitems. Worse, imagine what has to be done if something changes or you find amistake - after you create these final extensions.With computer estimating software, the extension phase becomes a simpleselectionof take-off entries and the desired report format. Then a simple push of abutton starts the calculations. The computer does the rest with more accuracyand speed than any human or even a large group of humans ever could. Estimating software does not eliminate the need to learnhow to estimate.

Using software can make a good estimator far more effective. Anunskilled estimator is still going to do a poor job of estimating, regardless ofwhether estimating software is used or not.Better Use of Your TimeA computer does thousands of mathematical computations in a fraction of asecond, never makes a mathematical error, never becomes tired or careless, andnever forgets the information that is stored in it. Estimating software reducesestimating time and costs, partly because you no longer need to price, labor,extend, or total material and labor manually.

Electrical Estimating Free

This translates into additionaltime for other important functions such as more time to review an estimate, tobid more jobs, to better organize and manage the company, or to spend more timewith family.Better Control of Material CostOnce the take-off is complete and you have entered the quantities, you caneasily generate a report of all the material required for the job. You cangenerate a summary or a report broken down by job phase or type of materials.You can then e-mail this to multiple suppliers so you can obtain competitiveprices and fixed delivery dates.

You can also share the estimate with acontractors purchasing and accounting departments. Cost tracking and inventorycontrol become much simpler when you use software to generate and control theinformation.

Material prices can be changed easily, quickly, and accurately atthe last minute. You can make information secure and easier to retrieve withvarious search criteria specific to what you are looking for. You vastly reducethe investment in office space and filing cabinets, while reducing the fire fuelload that comes with storing large quantities of paper.

But what if you do havea fire? A software-based system with remote backup means your information issafely out of harms way.

A computer-based estimating system also provides foreasy accumulation of project history that can be used to evaluate the accuracyof each new estimate.Better Project ManagementIf integrated properly with the project management system, estimating softwareprovides the flexibility to track projects in many ways, such as by system,floor, building, site, or project phase. A project manager can make a few mouseclicks to update the Work Breakdown Structure, Critical Path, Gant Chart, andother key project management items in real time.

It is easy to share informationwith people in the field. Keeping the field supervisors apprised of the currentlabor budget, material information, and daily schedule updates help themcomplete work on time. The project manager can decide which reports to send outso that people in the field are not overwhelmed by information they do not need.Estimating software can also help supervisors in the field ordermaterial andbetter control its arrival at the jobsite. This reduces handling time, improvesinventory control, reduces storage and theft problems, and assists with otherissues that stem from inefficient material handling practices.

It is importantto be sure an estimate is accurate and error free before using it for projectmanagement. Some companies require a re-estimate of a project after it isawarded.Reduced OverheadThe ability of an estimator to bid more jobs in the same amount of time reducesestimating costs relative to revenue. Material inventory control improves,providing such benefits as reduced costs for storage space and financing.

Youcan also improve billing and expedite collections. All of this will increasecash flow, which may further reduce your costs of capital and/or allow you touse your capital more effectively.Increased Profitability for Your BusinessThe savings in estimating time will permit you to estimate more jobs.

That, inturn, will allow you to expand business volume. Increasing volume, in itself, isnot always good. Increasing the volume of profitable jobs is the real goal, andgood software can help you do that.

Computer-assisted estimates can improve yourmarketing program and sales efforts because they can provide you with a moredetailed and professional looking package to present to customers. This,however, is only the beginning of what you can do. You can provide a level ofdetail that shows what is actually required to complete the job, along withprice breakdowns that show lowball bids cannot be taken seriously. Yes, you willstill be competing with any bidders that also prepare an accurate estimate. Butthat is really what the bidding process is supposed to achieve in the firstplace.When you submit a sufficiently detailed bid, you give your customersmore reasonto be confident in your companys knowledge of their projects and ability tocomplete those projects in a timely and competent manner.

This confidence inyour companys preparation will result in more requests for bids, and ultimatelyresult in more contracts won. Another benefit of a detailed bid is that you setthe customers expectations for the job.

One cause of disputes and the financialconsequences they often produce is that the customer has a smaller idea of thejob scope than what that scope actually is. Avoid these types of disputes byeducating the customer up front about what the job entails.Added ConfidenceA computer-assisted estimate provides increased confidence that the bid price iscorrect. It also provides more consistent and accurate historical data forfuture jobs of the same types. Tapping even a little of its potential willimprove your competitiveness and increase your profit margins. Although many software vendors present information on thecomputer screen in a similar manner, you must consider the following during yourconsideration process:Usability. Software should be logical, intuitive,simple to use,flexible, and easy to understand. It should provide an on-screen audit trail toreview and modify the take-off at any time.Flexibility.

It should provide the capability offactoring laborand/or material cost for every line of the take-off to reflect diverseinstallation conditions. You should be able to view or change anything in theestimate at any point easily and quickly.Reports. The system should provide for a permanentaudit trailthat tracks the input. When looking at software options, pay close attention tothe types of reports it will allow you to generate.

You need reports thatsupport your business processes. Determine what kinds of reports you need beforeyou even look at estimating software.Integration. Integration with your accounting system.Is thatimportant?Your Needs.

Are you a small contractor just openingyourbusiness, or do you have a large company that has been in business for severalyears? Some software is more suitable for the former while others are moresuitable for the latter. Take this into consideration during your search.Remember that you can always move up to a more sophisticated product when salesimprove; sometimes even with the same vendor.Can I afford it?In todays world, it is highly unlikely you can be competitive if you estimatewithout the right software tools. The question is not whether you can afford theright system, but whether you can afford not to have adequate tools forestimating jobs in this competitive environment.

To determine the dollarsrequired in sales to cover the purchase of estimating software, usethe following formula:Sales Increase Required per Year = Software Cost/Gross ProfitPercentExample: How much must sales increase per year to cover the cost of anestimating system, based on the following factors? It includes software,computer, and training$6,000; gross profit margin of 40 percent, withexpected life of four years.Sales = Cost per Year/Gross Profit PercentCost per Year = $6,000/4 yearsCost per Year = $1,500Sales Required per Year = $1,500/40%Sales Increase Required per Year = $3,750. Regardless of how well estimating software is designed,do not expect optimum results without complete training. Professional trainingrequires time away from the office.

Attempting to have training in your officeduring business hours is usually a fiasco due to interruptions from otheremployees, phone calls, and unexpected visitors.Be prepared to devote serious time to learning how to use this newtool. It willbe extremely difficult to learn to use new software at the same time you aretrying to estimate multiple projects. Instead, try to devote extra hours oftraining after work or on the weekends; the more time you put into using theprogram, the faster you will master it.During your negotiations with the vendor, ask if they will provide thetrainingnecessary at no additional cost. Some will do so, others will not, but it neverhurts to ask! To most effectively use estimating software, you need tosubscribe to a Material Pricing Service to gain assurance that you have currentmaterial prices. These programs interface with most major estimating softwareprograms and price almost all of the individual material items in the database.If you do decide to use a pricing service, be sure you select one whosepricesare broken down by geographical area, so that they will more accurately reflectprices where your job is located. Also, just as you checked the background ofcompanies offering estimating software, you should inquire as to the backgroundof companies offering pricing services.

Where do they obtain their materialprices? What is their relationship to the electrical industry?If you decide you do not want to use a pricing service, you will mostlikely needto create material reports for your vendors to price out every estimate you do.This may add to your workload and will make you dependent on your vendors forservice. Check with your electrical distributor and key vendors to see whatpricing services they provide as well.The best of pricing services will fail to do the job if the database isnotmaintained and current. This is a highly responsible chore and should only beassigned to experienced estimators. The database must be secured so that only anauthorized person can make revisions.

It may be further enhanced to includeprices of materials from your suppliers. Some suppliers also provide materialprices for items from their database with proprietary stock or catalog numbers.This type of database may not include all the material required by the estimateand may limit seeking competitive material prices.Keep in mind that pricing services cannot keep up with the constantlychangingconduit and wire prices, so you must check the prices for these items for eachbid, especially when large quantities are included in the estimate.

What About Creating My Own SpreadsheetSystem?You can do this, but it will be like sending a motor, pulleys, and related partsto a jobsite and telling the foreman to build a wire puller: he will get it donebut does it make economic sense? Such an approach will ultimately cost you morethan what you will spend by investing in the right software package.The spreadsheet method can become overwhelmingly complex as you try toscaleupward. With an estimating software package, you have many advantages over thehomegrown spreadsheet approach. To see these advantages, ask an estimating salesrepresentative to take you on a test drive of their product.Spreadsheets may be appropriate for Unit Pricing or change orders.How Do I Handle Take-Offs?Manual Take-Off. First, you complete the take-off, writing allcount and take-off information on a spreadsheet (paper or electronic), then youenter that information into the estimating software.Direct Take-Off. This method involves entering thecount andtake-off information directly into the estimating software as you go.

Whenmastered, this step-saving method is a huge time-saver, and it improves accuracyand cuts your chances of making mistakes in half by eliminating the need towrite the count and take-off information on a spreadsheet.How Much Time Can I Save?The amount of time saved depends on the software, the estimator, and thecomplexity of the jobs being estimated. WHO SELLS ESTIMATING SOFTWARE?Because of the technical nature of electrical estimating, estimating software is not available incomputer stores. Only a person who has been trained in electrical contracting can adequatelyexplain how computerized estimating works, and the many ways it will benefit you.Find out as much as you can about the software vendor:. How long have they been in the business of selling software?. How many customers do they have?. What other software products do they sell?.

What is their background in estimating and electrical contracting?Take your time to investigate the different vendors and make a selection based on facts, notopinions. If possible, see if you can use the software on a trial basis.

Naturally this willcost you a few hundred dollars; insist on money back guarantee.

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You save time and get great advice.Important Information Terms of Use We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Posted April 1, Industry-specific solutions will incorporate degree of difficulty selectors so electriccal the estimator can charge different rates for work depending on how difficult they think the job will be. Spon’s Estimating Costs Guide to Electrical Works: Unit Rates and Project CostsThe software provides features such as conversion calculators, on-screen It caters to contractors, architects and engineers. Those that give you discount have to email a file to you. Estimator is a cloud-based platform for construction estimating and management.

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This site uses cookies. Top Electrical Estimating Software – ReviewsMcCormick Systems offers a comprehensive Windows-based electrical contracting estimating software for commercial, industrial and residential contractors. Sorry for my ignorance. For the cost of approximately two hours of your charge-out rate or lessthis book will help you to. Bid summary screenshot in McCormick estimating software There are about a dozen top-rated vendors that exist to serve this market.Yes, my password is: Companies need to manage detailed project schedules, track job costs against their original estimate and make sure that they properly respond to and track all job documents such as RFIs, submittals, transmittals and change orders. Mine must be a bit old as the hourly rate is.An estimates technology tool should calculate estimatibg, voltage drops, loads, fault currents and counts for conduit, boxes and wireways, among other functions. Posted May 17, Zee, I have my own method.Accubid offers an estimating program for electrical contractors.

Spons electrical estimating pdf software

For the cost of approximately two hours of your charge-out rate or lessthis book will help you to: Spon’s Estimating Costs Guides Paperback.