59.99 Plus Tax Gamestop

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4032d agoThe draw is the buy 2 get one free. And even though their used games it's still kind of a deal $110 for 3 practically new games isn't bad. I had a coupon with the same deal and got 6 games I missed out on for $90.It's better if you get games you missed from earlier which will probably be about $30 per game.

Don't get the $55 used game, because I'm sure Toy'r'us will have there buy 2 get 1 free sell and you'll get 3 brand new game for $120.So if you missed something good deal if not skip it. And I think Gamestop sell goes on all day at least the ones where I live do so there's no rush.

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$59.99 plus tax

3904d ago (Edited 3904d ago )So is every game a AAA game? Here in Europe the starting price is almost allways at 60 euros (79.7 USD), and trust me not all of them are AAA.You know how happy I would be if games where at 60 USD! It would be something like 45 euros!!!You hear people complaining how many buy second hand games, and how bad it is for the industry.

If you lowerd your prices I would gladly buy a lot more new games but at 80 USD a game, it's a bit exagerated.An example: monster vs aliens (game of a new animation movie, wich will most certainly be crap) is at 58 Euros!! Which is about 77 USD. Are you f. kidding me. A game derived from an animation movie costing so much??

If that is not ripping off the customer.Once again lower your prices, and I'll most certainly buy more games, and more of them would be new instead of second handedit: I know this has nothing to do with the US or the article, but I felt like expressing myself lol. 3904d agoThis generation has taught me to be MUCH more selective with my spending. I've blown $70 + tax on so many over-hyped titles this gen, particularly multi-plats, that I'm on a 'rental only' policy unless it's a JRPG or sweet looking system exclusive.@ Hi-def freak. I'll give you Killzone 2 and Dead Space, but the rest of your list, most notably 'Wanted: WOF' just seem like a waste of cash.

In my opinion, Capcom make highly polished, though altogether average games. They are the gaming equivalent of Transformers or any other summer blockbuster - entertaining, but shallow.

They haven't released a title this gen that I've seen that's worth plunking down 80 bucks for. 3904d ago'I've noticed that I'm buying games in higher frequency than I had been with the PS2, even with the higher price. I find that funny, given the economic climate and (terrible) pricing of games. But hey, more games are more games, and as long as I'm happy with the games, I won't complain about the price.' Agreed.In the PS2 generation, I probably have about 20 games in the span of 8 years!So far with the PS3/360, I'm nearing the 65+ mark with exclusives and multiplats.I've never had so many games in my life til now. 3904d agoi'm not happy with the prices, and the prices have actually amde be more scrutinizing of the titles i buythis gen i have bought far far less games than i had in the passedfor my 360 i've bought maybe a total of 20 games over the 2 years i've had it, as opposed to the 150+ i bought for ps1 and the 100+ i bought for ps240-50 dollars i much more easy to swallow than 60as of late i've been buying games from the bargain bins, buying arcades games and just waiting on new releases unless it is something i really wanti probably won't buy anything on release until modern warfare 2.

3904d agoThe only games that I buy at full price of $60 bucks for the most part are almost always exclusives that I'm really looking forward too. I've only bought a small handful of 3rd party games at full price like Dead Space when it first came out, Fallout 3, and GTA4I wouldn't say that I'm 'happy' about the prices, but I think Exclusives to one console are the only games that should be sold at $59.99, and ALL 3rd party games released on multiple platforms should be $40-45 maximum upon release.Even though the prices of games are higher, I still buy about the same amount of games yearly this gen. That I bought last gen.The last game I bought was Killzone 2 in Feb. And except for the Offroad racing game FUEL, I probably won't buy another PS3 game until InFamous because there's just nothing else new coming out between that time I think is worth paying $60 bucks for. 3904d agoWow a lot of Gamestop hate. I must live near all the good Gamestops. But i do think thats a stupid statement.

I would love a better price point. Bluray is still expensive too. @ Sarevok, I traded in Silent hill Homecoming and got $28 for it. And that was a month after purchase.

I think i got $22 for Gh world tour too. I think thats more than fair. Lol once I was in a small game store that sold old games, and seen the first Mgs for ps1 for $58. I asked him why it was so high, and he said he based his prices off how much he thought it was worth. Too bad no one told him you can get Mgs1,2,and 3 in a pack for $30 Also FF7 was like 60 bucks as well.

Oh well thank God for ps1 emulation on my pc. Plays ps1 isos like a pro.

3904d ago (Edited 3904d ago )Before they start to lower the prices. EA is one of the best examples of this. Even though I can't stand most of their games (Madden, Live, and a few others), you cannot deny that they sell well.

And when EA sells a certain amount they start to lower prices. EA has some great games like Burnout Paradise and Dead Space, but there is a whole crowd of people somewhere who come as mindless droves and get the same Madden and same Live every year, and those games drop price real quick like.On another note, F.U. Gamestop, prices of games are way too high. If I didn't have to pay so much for a game that could very well end up being a turd, I could buy more games and feel better about getting the occasional turd.Until the prices drop, I use gamefly. No matter which way you look at it, Gamefly is by far the cheapest way to play all the games you want.

If you do the math, I typically bought 1-2 games a month depending on how much money I had and if they were good or not. That would run me 100-200 dollars depending if it was a special edition or whatnot. Now times twelve months that is 1200-2400 dollars. In comparison Gamefly costs me a little over 20 bucks a month for a two game plan.

Times that by twelve and that is only about 300 dollars a year. 3904d agoI don't and won't pay $60 for a new title. I simply won't do it. I haven't EVER and I've played most of the very recent releases. Gamestop often runs buy 2 get 1 free on used.

$60 new are 55 used and with an edge card are 50 used. I then get 1 free so I end up paying $33 each for the three titles. Either that or I'll use Goozex and trade for something else. The transaction nets me about $3 per title - cheaper than a rental - and I keep the game. Drop the price and I'll buy new.I don't think saying people are 'happy' is the right approach, here, gamestop.

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It's more like, 'the pain point for many shoppers seems to be over $60'.