Ubuntu Install Serial Console

Posted on  by admin

I'm trying to install Ubuntu on an appliance that does not have ports for a display (i.e. VGA, HDMI, DVI).

Ubuntu 18 serial console installConsole

I have made a bootable USB stick using the Ubuntu ISO using Unetbootin and edited three files (syslinux.cfg, text.cfg, isolinux.cfg) using the description found here:After all the initial text while booting it bring me to a menu, this menu however is unreadable.┌───────────────────────┤ !! S␊┌␊ ▒ ┌▒┼±┤▒±␊ ├────────────────────────┐│ ││ C␤⎺⎺⎽␊ ├␤␊ ┌▒┼±┤▒±␊ ├⎺ ␉␊ ┤⎽␊␍ °⎺⎼ ├␤␊ ␋┼⎽├▒┌┌▒├␋⎺┼ ⎻⎼⎺␌␊⎽⎽ T␤␊ ││ ⎽␊┌␊␌├␊␍ ┌▒┼±┤▒±␊ ┬␋┌┌ ▒┌⎽⎺ ␉␊ ├␤␊ ␍␊°▒├ ┌▒┼±┤▒±␊ °⎺⎼ ├␤␊ ␋┼⎽├▒┌┌␊␍ ││ ⎽≤⎽├␊└. │;3H│ ││ L▒┼±┤▒±␊: ││ │C ││ E┼±┌␋⎽␤ │6;3H│ ││ ││ │└⎺┴␊⎽; ⎽␊┌␊␌├⎽;Is there anyone who knows what's wrong and how it can be solved?Hans.

Ubuntu Serial Connection

Comes with a usefulwhichis designed to be run without a graphical console regularly attached.Combined with Ubuntu's ' (LTS) versions it provides areasonable base for stable server Linux installs.For various reasons, including itis useful to. UbuntuLinux Server does support this, and with a little manual work it's evenpossible to install (mostly) via serial console. Ideally it'd be aseasy as serial console on older Sun desktops: don't plug in a keyboardand it will default to serial console. But PC hardware (and especiallythe variety of keyboard technology over the years) doesn't make thatquite as easy.For a,the process is similar to,viz (all square brackets replaced by XML angle brackets in config files):.Add a graphics and video section to the: input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''/videomodel type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'//video(You could, and I did, specify an explicit port and set autoport='no',or just let it auto-assign them starting at 5900.