Gaussview 4.1.2 Manual

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  3. Gaussview Manual

Advanced Building TechniquesAdvanced Building FeaturesIn this section, we look at the special purpose building features designed for specific tasks and circumstances.Using a Custom Fragment LibraryThe Custom Fragment button can be used to access and modify a local fragment library. Clicking on it when it is inactive activates the last used custom fragment library; the first fragment within it becomes the current fragment, appearing in the area below the toolbars and in the popup menu to the right of the various building buttons. Clicking on the same button when it is selected opens the Custom Fragments palette, bringing up the window in Figure 28.Figure 28. The Custom Fragments WindowThis palette allows you to select from the available fragments in the open library. The selected fragment will become the current fragment once the dialog is exited.The Library field at the top of the palette indicates the fragment library that is in use. Previously opened libraries are also present in the list. Additional library locations may be opened by clicking on the button labeled “.”.Fragment libraries are simply folders on disk, and individual fragments within a library are stored as files within that folder.

Thus, creating a new fragment library consists of creating a folder at the desired location and then selecting it in this palette. The library will obviously be initially empty.

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Any non-fragment files within the folder are ignored, although best practice is to limit fragment library folder use solely to fragment files.Fragments within a fragment library are organized into a series of user-defined groups. If this feature has not been used, then all fragments will be within the “root” group: i.e., / as in the figure.A context menu, reached by right clicking within the white fragment list area in the center of the palette, is used to manage and modify fragment libraries. It has the following selections:. New Group: Create a new group within the current library. The group is initially given a generic name which you can modify. Control-G is equivalent to this menu selection (Command-N under Mac OS X).

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New Fragment From Active Molecule: Add the current molecule within the currently selected group within the current fragment library. A generic label and description will be set which you should edit as appropriate. In this context, Control-N/Command-N has the same function as this menu item. Edit Cell: Edit the text within the current item (group name, fragment name, fragment description). Note that the top level group name cannot be modified. Delete: Delete the currently selected fragment or fragment group.

Note that the top-level fragment group cannot be deleted. The Delete key is equivalent to this menu item.Note that fragments within a library can be updated only by removing and then readding them (there is no way to modify an existing fragment).The Atom List EditorThe Atom List Editor window is displayed when you select the Edit=Atom List menu item or click on the Atom List button. This tool presents the coordinates and other parameters for the molecule in the active View window in an editable spreadsheet format. The window’s default configuration is illustrated in Figure 29.Figure 29. The Atom List EditorThe columns that are present in the table are controlled by the buttons in the toolbar. Columns corresponding to highlighted buttons are visible. Only buttons relevant to the current molecular structure are active.

Individual columns may be displayed/hidden using the items on the Columns menu. You can also go directly to a specific atom (by number) using the Go To control in the toolbar.The default configuration of this window displays the molecule’s Z-matrix and Cartesian coordinates. Different data can be selected for display using the toolbar buttons. From the left, they control Z-matrix coordinates ( Z), Cartesian coordinates ( C), fractional coordinates for PBC jobs ( F), ONIOM layer assignments and related settings ( L), Molecular Mechanics atoms types and other data ( M), Isotope specification ( I), and PDB file residue and chain data ( P). Columns corresponding to the final button are read-only.

Figure 26 illustrates the columns that may be present in this window. Clicking one of the lettered display icons will show or hide all columns in that group.

You can also control the display of every individual column by selecting or deselecting it in the Columns menu.Figure 30. Additional Atom List Editor ColumnsBeginning at the top and moving down and from left to right, these columns are controlled by the ONIOM Layers button, the Molecular Mechanics Parameters button, the Fractional Coordinates button, the PDB Info button, and the Isotope Masses button. Note that shaded columns are read-only.Any of the molecular parameters can be edited in this spreadsheet-like window. Atoms may be selected by clicking on their Row cell in the leftmost column (and deselected by clicking it a second time). The dot in the Highlight column causes the corresponding atoms to also be selected/deselected in the molecule’s View window.You can add additional atoms by scrolling to the bottom of the window, selecting an element in the Symbol column, and then clicking the Add button.

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This inserts a new row into the list (filled with default values, as in Figure 30 above).The various menu items in the Atom List Editor window are described below.

This script adds manual ignition to all the vehicles in the game. There is no need to set something up in the.xml files of the vehicles.After you entered a vehicle, a little hud appears on the bottom left side of the screen. You have to preheat the motor by pressing the startbutton once. After a little amount of time the preheating is finished and you can start the motor by pressing the button again.None global version of script– Adds manual ignition to all motor vehicles– Pre heating of the enginge before it could be started– HUD dissapears after about 5seconds later– Compatible with DriveControl mod (Auto deactivate ignition features of it)– Compatible with LightAddonVersion 4.1.2:. Fix: AI now turn off engine when its done, broken since v 4.1Authors: Xentro, Niggels93920 KB.