My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Background Music

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A thread to discuss music from the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (which you may have heard of if you spend time on the internet:P). One thing that is kinda interesting about the background music in the show is that many times it includes parts of famous classical pieces, like Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries or Mozart's Eine Kleine Nacktmusik, or pieces that are obvious parodies of famous pieces like Ravel's Bolero, Dukas's The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring (yeah, seriously). Its actually a pretty fun and enjoyable show if you're willing to be open-minded and not prejudge it just because its intended for kids.For my first post, here's what the songs in the show would sound like if Schnittke or Ives was in charge of scoring it:3. Rating Pending.

The 'Find a Pet' song and the 'This Day' aria are probably my favorites. The singing is excellent and the orchestration is colorful, with just enough thematic variation to satisfy me. I had trouble with the VIb - V progression that recurs throughout the 'Find a Pet' song at first, though. The lack of cadence just didn't sound like it belonged in a children's song. In that way, the 'Find a Pet' song is probably the most ambitious, as far as keeping away from pop form goes. The 'This Day' aria is interesting in that its form consists of an introduction, a series of themes which are each repeated exactly once, with variation, and a coda. Again, very colorful orchestration, and somewhat bombastic.

The 'Find a Pet' song seems reminiscent of a song from a Broadway musical, while the 'This Day' aria, aptly called, is more operatic. Heh, I wouldn't say I watch the show for the music, but the background music isn't bad for cartoon music, I enjoy the classical references in it, and I like some of the songs a fair amount. The 'This Day Aria' is pretty cool, 'Art of the Dress' is a fun one based in part on a Stephen Sondheim song (and Sondheim is brilliant ), and 'Winter Wrap-Up' has the feel of a great 90s rock song.And how could I forget 'Smile Smile Smile'!? XD Its also got that 90s sound that I like, and I just love stuff thats so joyous and happy. Brings a smile to my face as fast as Beethoven's 6th. Heh, I wouldn't say I watch the show for the music, but the background music isn't bad for cartoon music, I enjoy the classical references in it, and I like some of the songs a fair amount.

The 'This Day Aria' is pretty cool, 'Art of the Dress' is a fun one based in part on a Stephen Sondheim song (and Sondheim is brilliant ), and 'Winter Wrap-Up' has the feel of a great 90s rock song.And how could I forget 'Smile Smile Smile'!? XD Its also got that 90s sound that I like, and I just love stuff thats so joyous and happy. Brings a smile to my face as fast as Beethoven's 6th'Smile smile smile', at least just the title, makes me think of 'happy happy joy joy' from the Ren and Stimpy Show.

M1mikyu wrote:Nontree11 wrote:M1mikyu wrote:I love how in the episode where they sold the journals (forgot the name) a pony said “Twilight was better before she got wings!” and the episode was written by MA Larson So in other words, he knows that people don’t like it Actually Fame and Misfortune (the episode you're talking about) was nothing like Larson's original script, someone else changed a lot of it. (Larson confirmed this on twitter) So chances are he didn't write that line. But that didn't stop it from being an entertaining episode. What was it like originally? I don't know if he said exactly what his old script was like, all he said is that someone completely changed it. M1mikyu wrote:cs156175 wrote:Nontree11 wrote:cs156175 wrote:I thought I’d never post here again, but I noticed something on a rewatch of an alternate version of Magical Mystery Cure. When Celestia is listing off Twilight’s traits, you can hear the tune to the chorus of a True True Friend playing in the background.Wait, there's an alternate version?

I think I just noticed it because the background music is louder for whatever reason, but it’s in the original as well. Do you have a link?The scene in question is just the one at the end of MMC where Celestia monologues about how Twilight has shown all the properties of a true princess. You can hear it in any version of the scene. The part I’m talking about comes at about 1:23. Also, you can hear a part of the melody playing as Twilight comes down repeating when Celestia says ‘That’s because she is a princess’.Last edited by cs156175 (July 1, 2018 21:26:37). Speaking of Magical Mystery Cure, Season 3 really isn't as bad as people say it is.

It has a bunch of brilliant episodes such as Too Many Pinkie Pies, Wonderbolt Academy, The Crystal Empire, Sleepless In Ponyville, Keep Calm And Flutter On and Magic Duel. The only episode of Season 3 that was critically bad was Spike At Your Service due to Spike's characterization and mediocre writing. Spike has been shown to be good at helping other ponies in many episodes but in that episode he was portrayed as incompetent and idiotic for the sake of the plot. I mean seriously “smell my dirty feet”?

What kind of dialogue is that? Also in regards to Magical Mystery Cure, it really should've been a two parter, due to hasbro forcing DHX to make it one part they had to rush through it because episodes HAVE to be 22 minutes. All the rushing caused some parts of the episode to not make much sense in terms of the narrative. Thought it was made up for with the brilliant music and a satisfying ending. (LARSON!) I wonder if there were any ideas for Season 3 that were never used or used in later seasons due to being limited to 13 episodes that season?

I might have to do a video about Season 3.Last edited by Nontree11 (July 4, 2018 00:32:56). M1mikyu wrote:Nontree11 wrote:Hmm, did this topic die again?yes I shall revive it though I personally believe a lot is missing about King Sombra. We never got any motive or backstory for him. Even some minor one episode villains (such as Gilda) were more developed, and he was the main villain of season three. So I really hope we learn more about him. Unless the comics are canon, we really don't know much about him CRYSTALSSSSS But in all seriousness, Sombra was super underdeveloped in the show. Leaving a lot of empty spaces, which could be seen as a good thing for all those headcanon people, like for instance Ink Rose who did a pretty good headcannon backstory a few years back.

Nontree11 wrote:Speaking of Magical Mystery Cure, Season 3 really isn't as bad as people say it is. It has a bunch of brilliant episodes such as Too Many Pinkie Pies, Wonderbolt Academy, The Crystal Empire, Sleepless In Ponyville, Keep Calm And Flutter On and Magic Duel. The only episode of Season 3 that was critically bad was Spike At Your Service due to Spike's characterization and mediocre writing. Spike has been shown to be good at helping other ponies in many episodes but in that episode he was portrayed as incompetent and idiotic for the sake of the plot. I mean seriously “smell my dirty feet”?

What kind of dialogue is that? Also in regards to Magical Mystery Cure, it really should've been a two parter, due to hasbro forcing DHX to make it one part they had to rush through it because episodes HAVE to be 22 minutes.

All the rushing caused some parts of the episode to not make much sense in terms of the narrative. Thought it was made up for with the brilliant music and a satisfying ending. (LARSON!) I wonder if there were any ideas for Season 3 that were never used or used in later seasons due to being limited to 13 episodes that season?

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Background Music Youtube

I might have to do a video about Season 3.I think you're right about “MMC” being a two-parter but what kind of video are you talking about? M1mikyu wrote:Nontree11 wrote:Hmm, did this topic die again?yes I shall revive it though I personally believe a lot is missing about King Sombra. We never got any motive or backstory for him. Even some minor one episode villains (such as Gilda) were more developed, and he was the main villain of season three. So I really hope we learn more about him. Unless the comics are canon, we really don't know much about himI think, if I'm honest, we're probably not going to get anything more about Sombra.

I think the whole crystal empire mythos was a bit underdeveloped (initially, at least) and was mostly just a quick way to make some new merch. Ryasis wrote:Apparently there is a episode about how communism is bad It isn’t about communism, it’s about cults that don’t allow any personal freedom.


If you are up to see it, is the first part and is the second (that one’s flipped.) If not, here’s a summary of what goes on and some information. Starlight Glimmer is the leader of a small town that is organized into two rows. Its symbol is an equal sign. In this universe, everyone, upon discovering what they want to do in life, gets a mark that represents their talent for whatever it is.

Starlight Glimmer has found a way to remove the identity (the talents, the colors, the personalities) of people to make them equal. This prevents anyone from being better at anything than anyone else.

It stops the character whose talent is being able to go super fast from going any faster than the others, who are walking, despite the fact that she’s flying. It stops the extremely strong character, who needs her strength for her talent, from being able to break down a door. It takes away the fashion sense of a fashion designer. It takes away the ability to find humor in anything from the perpetually happy one whose talent is cheering people up. It makes a baker terrible at baking because no one else in the town is able to bake as well as she could.

Upon removing these things, the mark is replaced with an equal sign. Everyone is perpetually smiling and when someone questions the society and is caught, they’re put into a rehabilitation chamber where there are constantly speakers playing stuff like “Choose Equality as your special talent.” “Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail.” “Be your best by never being your best.” “Conformity will set you free.” And the people in there are given a chance to come back to the town every morning, after they’re driven crazy or accept their fate.

Also, possibly, the town rehearses a to convert people, but that might just be part of the show and may not have actually happened the way we see it. Anyways, there’s a supposedly magical staff that can take away the talents, but it turns out that Starlight Glimmer has never had her own mark removed and is painting over it.

She keeps her talent to keep everyone in check while they are basically helpless. There’s an illusion of control. Starlight tells the citizens that, if they wish, they could go back and get their marks at any time, but no one ever asks because of brainwashing until the main characters get trapped and she doesn’t let them. “How can you be freinds with different marks? Don’t you end up hating each other?” “The cutie unmarking is a beautiful experience! Starlight uses the Staff of Sameness to magically take them away and replace them with these.” “Oh, we're not kept from them. They're in the vault up in the caves.

We can visit them any time we like to remind us of the heartache of a life with special talents.” And so forth. Eventually it’s revealed after one of the main characters pretends to convert and the town rebels, shatters the vault, and lets Starlight escape after a chase scene. That was long. But I hope it gets the idea across.