Altera Monitor Program Software

Posted on  by admin

Based on the verification error and looking at your Qsys system, there isn't enough RAM.In Qsys, your RAM goes from 0x4000 to 0x7FFF. However when the JTAG programmer tries to upload the Nios firmware, it tries to verify 0x4000 all the way up to 0xE693.


Altera University Program

That means the size of your compiled code is a full 0x6694 (26260) bytes larger than the RAM.By using%i,d or u, you are forcing the compiler to include the full routines for integer to string conversion, which in turn requires division and modulus code. This will use a fair amount of space.

Much more so than%s which requires little code. $begingroup$ @MadDogTunnen just a thought, what settings have you got in your BSP? There is are settings like selecting enablesmallclibrary, deselecting enablecplusplus, selecting enablereduceddevicedrivers, deselecting enableexit and enablecleanexit. These will all reduce the code footprint and take a fair amount off the size. They are mostly there for when the Nios processor is being used to run things like an RTOS on Linux.

Intel Altera Address


For small embedded stuff, they just waste space. $endgroup$–Oct 10 '15 at 1:31.